Does Creative Still Matter?

Dave O'Neill
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2019

At this point, Adtech is almost synonymous with data. Data powers who we target, when & where we reach them, and allows us to understand nearly everything about a consumer’s digital behavior. We know what a consumer is interested in and where to find them, even how to find people like them.

But then what?

Well, most of the time we show them a banner ad. Something they’ve had years to get used to ignoring. Ad blockers, banner blindness, poor creative execution…all things we know contribute to wasted impressions and a poor consumer experience with the brand (or no experience at all).

So is it time for a creative revolution in digital? At Spaceback, we think so.

Most brands have a plethora of great content at their fingertips, yet fail to utilize it to its full potential. I’m talking about social media.

80% of Instagram users follow a brand on the social network.

Brands know social is important, and they invest in it — heavily — with people, time, and money.

As you read this, think about how many times you checked Instagram today. It’s nearly ingrained in most of us. We instinctively open our phones and head to the social network(s) of choice, where we see tons of content, in a very familiar format, which we have chosen to follow. We know exactly how to interact with it, too.

So the issue becomes, why are we showing consumers traditional, text-heavy banner ads when they’ve essentially told us what they want to see?

We think there’s a remedy for this, and it’s replacing ads with social content. Visual, engaging, familiar & sought out. Why keep your brand’s best content trapped in the social networks?

