Change Is Inevitable: How To Accept Change

Alyssa Jo Soloski
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2020

Nobody likes change.

But change is and always will be constant. The weather, technology, society, fashion trends, cultures, your friends and family, your body… everything is constantly changing. Which means we cant run away from it. Change is inevitable!

“Alyssa you always make drastic changes in your life, no change is ever subtle with you.”

These are the words from one of my good friends that I will never forget. She’s one of those friends where we don’t talk very often but we are always able to pick up right where we left off. You know, the best kind of friendship!

So most of our conversations consist of catching each other up on all the changes that have occurred since we talked last. And she was right. Every time we talked I always had a big life change to tell her about.

Those words really got me thinking. Why do I make such big changes in my life?

The easy answer: I get bored really, really easily.

I’m always craving the next new adventure. I spend a lot of time day dreaming about the next city I’m going to live in, the new job I’ll start and the people I’ll encounter. It’s all about experiencing new things for me.

The more difficult (but real) answer: I have a hard time accepting change.

Now you’re probably thinking that doesn’t make sense. If Im constantly making big changes in my life than wouldn’t that mean I accept change easily?

It’s all about what I can and cannot control.

I make big changes in my life before the big changes are made for me. This is my way of feeling like I have control over my life. It’s the way I protect myself from pain, stress and extreme negative emotions.

But just because I make some of my big life changes happen, that doesn’t mean I don’t feel like I got suckered punched when uncontrollable change does happen in my life.

And believe me, I still have plenty of uncontrollable change.

So how do we learn to understand, accept and move on from change?

How To Accept Change

Life is all about changes and those changes help define the person we become. You get fired from your job, you get dumped or forced to move to a new city. Big changes will happen whether we like it or not. We cant always control the change, but we can control our response.

Surrender to “I Dont know” & Keep Moving

When we say goodbye to one chapter of our life this means a new one is going to start but we don’t always know what that chapter will entail.

News flash! You don’t have to know your next step to keep moving.

We aren’t supposed to have everything figured out and even if we think we do life will throw you a curve ball and throw you off your path. Understand that it’s okay to not know what’s next. This means you’re at an exciting time in your life where anything is possible and new things are coming your way!

Just because you don’t know what your next step is, doesn’t mean you cant be proactive. Keep moving in your everyday life. Wake up, brew your morning coffee and start your day with the attitude that you can create any opportunities you want in life!

Don’t Let Fear Control You

Change is scary. But do you know what’s scarier?

Staying in your comfort zone for the rest of your life.

When change happens, it’s asking something from you. Change is asking you to develop new qualities, learn new skills and embrace the unknown! Don’t let fear of this new chapter hold you back from growing and learning from this experience.

The initial change can be very scary and difficult to navigate but the outcome could be more rewarding than you ever imagined. Embrace the fear, don’t let it hold you back.

Go Outside and Count to 10

This is my favourite piece of advice I could give you. It has truly changed my life!

Since I am the type of person to make these big changes on my own its usually not till later on down the road that I have the, “What the heck am I doing with my life?” moment.

And when that moment comes, because it always does… I go outside and I count to 10. This sounds so simple but by doing this Im taking the time to appreciate my surroundings and count my blessings.

Just within those 10 seconds I’m able recognize that through all my choices and changes — life has lead me here.

I am alive and healthy. I have amazing family and friends surrounding me and I live in a beautiful world where anything is possible.

Stepping outside, paying attention to my surroundings and counting the things I’m grateful for automatically turns off my anxious brain and opens up my heart to the wonderful things of life.

Which I think is the key to accepting change. Every choice you’ve made, changes that have happened and things you have experienced has lead you to this exact moment. So you either accept the change and do everything you can to create the life you want out of it or you hold yourself back from the wonderful possibilities life has to offer.

The choice is yours. What are you going to do?

