Alyssa Jo Soloski
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2020


Creating Your Space for Grace

Freeze tag, you’re it!

I’m sure you remember playing this game during your younger days. Once you get tagged, you have to freeze in the same spot until the game is over. I remember we would all come together at recess and play a giant game of freeze tag. I would run my little heart out, avoiding in any way possible to be tagged. I hated being frozen. But back then, I probably hated it because I was on a sugar rush and it was very difficult to stay in one place.

I still hate being told to stay in one spot. Before I’m even done one task, my head has already moved on to the next. Humans have this excessive need for speed, and I am no exception. We are constantly on the go, trying to navigate our way through life and reach all of our goals. We look at ‘busy’ as success. We praise the people that have busy lives. Often we feel embarrassed if we aren’t as busy as someone else. Sometimes we even lie and say we’re busier than we actually are. You’ve done it… I know you have.

So, what if I told you that sometimes you actually have to slow down to speed up?

If we slow down, we create this space for grace. And when we create a space for grace that allows our full attention to connect with the present moment. The present moment isn’t something all of us are all that familiar with. But when we are fully in the present moment, we tap into our collective unconscious. This is where everything is possible. And in this space we connect to our intuition, inspiration and intention. When all three of those things align simultaneously, beautiful things happen.

Of course slowing down isn’t that easy and I could give you some tips about how to slow down so you can speed up. You’d read them, maybe take one or two into consideration. Maybe you’d actually try to implement the tips into your life for awhile but naturally over time your schedule will start to overlap again.

But if you’ve turned on your phone in the last month, you’d already know that the world is moving a lot slower. Scary and fast things are happening around us, but it still feels like part of the world is frozen. You’ve been feeling present lately. I know I sure have. Suddenly I’m so aware of the luxuries I once took for granted. Like hanging out with friends on a Friday night or never having to worry about running out of toilet paper.

There’s all this chaos around me but its helped me create my space for grace. And in this space I have found pure gratitude and unconditional love. I have seen people come together and hold each other up during a very difficult time. I have heard more kindness than ever before.

This might not be the slow down we wanted. I know its definitely not what any of us expected. But the universe has forced us to pause. So, freeze. Connect with your intuition and inspiration. Let your intention lead you down a path of new discoveries. Take up an old hobby or find a new passion. Connect with an old friend and hold loved ones close. Create something new and always be grateful. Soon enough you’ll speed up.

Tag, you’re it!

Now freeze in one spot. Create your space for grace.

