Creativity Loves a Change of Scene

Spacehop Community
Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2016

Last month, digital comms agency Incredibly asked us to house them for a day. Team Spacehop handpicked a space suited to creative digital types. Account Manager, Simon, gave us his review.

Creativity loves a change of scene

Dalston Kingsland. The place might not mean much to you unless you a) live there b) are a tube-map enthusiast or c) are one of the Incredibly team who hung out there last week.

As much as we respect tube map-anoraks, for us Dalston was a chance for our team of digital misfits to enjoy a much needed escape, courtesy of our friends at space sharing company, Spacehop. It’s also the chance to copy my writing hero Paul Burke’s trick of starting and finishing a post with the same words (spoiler alert — he’s awesome).

Great spaces make for inspiring offices

We hired a swanky warehouse conversion. It’s humbling to be invited into someone’s home to work for the day. It’s something else to be invited into a warm and tranquil space, lined with candles and intriguing knick-knacks. There was even a piano. None of us could play it but hey, it looks cool!

But it wasn’t the piano, the candles or the general vibe that made Spacehopping for a day so great. It was this…
And this…

New spaces alter your mind-set

Working somewhere different revitalised us all. Everyone got a new perspective. Suddenly we were able to think differently about the world, our brand, our biggest challenges. Us humans spend 21% of our working lives in the office. It’s a depressing thought, and it means that changing the dynamic is not just “nice”, it’s necessary. Our new environment led to new ideas, a better feeling of “teaminess” and all-round more positive energy.Creativity is about change

A wise friend once told me that to allow for creativity, you have to mix up your experience.

In other words, routine is the enemy of creative thinking. For us communications folks, creativity the most important part of what we do. Sure it’s a buzzword, and sure, hearing the phrase “think outside the box” makes me what to pick up the box and throw it at you, but it rings true.

Changing your environment is huge step to changing your outlook. Google “productivity tips” and you’ll see what I mean.

It’s fun

Beyond the benefits to your team’s performance, there are the benefits to your employee’s happiness. Getting out of the office feels like a holiday, it’s like rewarding your team without pricey handouts. Happy employees are more productive anyway, so there’s pretty much no downside or risk to trying a new space. Apart from the rug we almost, accidentally stole. Yikes.

So if you’re stuck in a rut, fancy a try at the piano or maybe just could do with rewarding the team, why not try changing scenery yourself? You might even end up in Dalston Kingsland.

Written by the Incredibly Team.


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