AMAseries Announces!!!
CryptoNews ID with CEO SPACE-IZ Mr. Venkatesh

Published in
7 min readAug 25, 2020



Host : Hotbin Simanjuntak

Guest : Mr Venkatesh

Segment 1 : Introduction

About SPACE-iZ

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
My name is Venkatesh and I am the CEO of SPACE-iZ.

SPACE-iZ is an all in one property platform for any space, but primarily focussed on CoWork and CoLive.
SPIZ offers discounts to tenants and free marketing to owners along with an additional income.

Question from the host

Hotbin Simanjuntak :
Q2. We know that Ethereum blockchain is very slow, so why did you build $SPIZ on the Ethereum blockchain? What are the reasons for building it on Ethereum blockchain instead of building on Bnb and other blockchain?

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
We have created our token on Ethereum blockchain as it was easy for us to adopt and get into the market as people are used to it.
Once we raise funds we will create our own blockchain in the near future.

Hotbin Simanjuntak :
Next question 🤟

Q3. What is the significant thing that really distinguishes this project from other projects, why should I choose this project and on which exchanges are ready to accept #SPIZ token trading?

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
The concept of SPACE-iZ = WeWork + Airbnb + OYO, and logo represents 4 desks with people sitting.
These big companies do not leverage on tokens or smart contracts or telegram to build their community so there is a big scope with our business model.
Our utility token SPIZ is unique in the property sector.

SPIZ listed on Vindax, IndoEx, Finexbox and Coinlim.
Exmarkets and Etherflyer would list SPIZ on Monday.

Hotbin Simanjuntak :
Q4. The SPACE-iZ ecosystem consists of 3 core components, token, token holder & application, that’s great. So here Do you agree that the power of community will make your project grow globally? Do you think SPACE-iZ needs good community support, especially from Indonesia?

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
Yes definitely, community is very important for growth.
Also, we have conducted regional bounty campaigns to reach out and increase our community worldwide.
Again, as community plays a very important role to boost awareness of any project so they would be rewarded with tokens reserved for the same.

Hotbin Simanjuntak :
the last question in this segment

Q5. The SPACE-iZ Token utilises blockchain to transfer value and benefits, between holders. What benefits are we transferring?
What percentage earning do I get by Lending SPIZ token? How is it calculated?

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
Any property owner with a private/personal/commercial/office space can list with us for free marketing (benefit).
Here, Tenants would receive discount (benefit) offers on any kind of property rented and on other services/amenities.

So those who hold the tokens for a year can avail upto 15% discounts on their rent which would add to their savings. As the number of rooms increase so will the token price as more tenants will hold on to SPIZ to avail discounts.
Land owners on the other receive free marketing for their properties and can get an additional income for lending their tokens.
Cost of lending token to smart contract, would be calculated as,
Total number of tokens sent by all owners/ total tokens used by tenants.

Segment 2: Question from Twitter

Hotbin Simanjuntak :

Q1. From @KingOfMiami4

How the #SPACE-IZ project promotes collaboration & collaborative development in the community. If anyone has an idea that is working well at #SPACE-IZ , then how can
we get support

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
So any member can promote our project in their group or region to help SPACE-iZ receive users for its application.
They can assist with onboarding landlords and tenants. We would run a worldwide bounty program as well for those who get legit users to our platform.

Hotbin Simanjuntak :

Q2. From @FeronikaRani

Nowadays,the advanced decentralization,programmatic flexibility and the truly enthusiastic developer base gives Ethereum the lead in the DeFi world. How do you see SPACE-IZ competing & also being on top in the nearest future when DeFi goes mainstream?

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
I wouldn’t want to speculate about the future and as such we are not competing with any company.
SPACE-iZ is into merging property sector with blockchain unlike Defi which is into merging financial services with blockchain.
In the property space, some big giants like Wework, Airbnb haven’t explored blockchain and other emerging technologies and techniques.
This has given us a chance to come up with the unique idea of SPACE-iZ as a strategic step to enter the market.

Hotbin Simanjuntak :

Q3. From @ChanYumire

Checking the website, I found that “SPACE-iZ aims to connecting people to professional and private spaces. This sounds interesting and amazing, could you tell us the methodology SPACE-iZ adopts in making this actually possible in reality?

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
Yes below is how our users will connect and benefit,

- As an owner, you will receive free marketing for your listed property.
- As a tenant, you will receive discounts on rent on spaces that you rent.
- On tokens that you lend to the SPACE-iZ smart contract, you will earn an additional income.

Hotbin Simanjuntak :

Q4. From @Sujong77649933

Trust is very important in business. So, what makes investors, customers and users feel safe when working with Space-IZ? And how will you get the trust of many users that have negative thoughts about Blockchain?

Wolf Of Wharf Street :
All users' info will be stored as nodes in our blockchain to ensure transparency and security with the token transfer. Further smart contacts will be executed to reduce administrative costs.

Our App will be launched phase-wise, wherein initially our app will only list and provide discounts.
In phase 2 we will educate our users the benefits of our token and how they can save/earn money from buying, holding and utilising the SPIZ token.

Hotbin Simanjuntak :
last question in the second segment

Q5. From @kobo_lu

Which are the Minimum requirements to involve the Local Business into Space IZ? Which step do they need to follow to sell its products or services?

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
Sure, any business can send their video of their properties with the time stamp so we verify their property to list it with us.
Once they are verified, they need to tell us what discounts they are ready to offer for their product and services to our community and we would promote them accordingly.

Segment 3: Live AMA

@yusuf113 :
What is the Vision and Mission of the SPACE-IZ platform to makes $SPACE-IZ token have very high demand?

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
Our business model is unique at the moment as others are like Wework, Oyo, Airbnb, Zoopla are not leveraging on community or smart contracts or tokens using blockchain in their running business.
Also all data of owners, tenants and properties would be stored in nodes in our network.

Our utility token SPIZ is unique in the property sector, as SPACE-iZ would cover the discounts against tokens held in smart contracts.

Once the utility increase the number of rooms will increase and the price would appreciate along with demand for our token in the crypto space.

@anhdao23 :
Covid-19 is still causing huge losses in many countries, how has SPACE-iZ adapted in the context of this ongoing global pandemic?

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
Basically properties being empty now, give us a chance to convince and onboard any kind of property owner to list with us and get free marketing to our database in return for offering discounts to our tenants. This is how we will impact and penetrate the market as the current pandemic will create more traction for our project.

@Oreza1 :
Lots of investors hit and run in the sales session and sell after listing on the first exchange,
How is the SPIZ to prevent early investors from selling their token and what benefit will SPIZ give to them?

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
So those who hold the tokens for a year can avail upto 15% discounts on their rent which would add to their savings.

- As number of rooms increase so will the token price as more tenants will hold on to SPIZ to avail discounts.
- Also, landlords will get an additional income for lending SPIZ tokens to the smart contract.

Hence as this utility of our token increases, the % return on investment for holding SPIZ tokens will increase as showcased in our white-paper.

@kitasemuasaudaraa :
Marketing strategy is very important. A product can be established on the market without marketing and promotion, So what are your plans for this? How will you build strong relationships with communities?

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
We have conducted regional bounty campaigns to reach out and increase our community worldwide. Yes community plays a very important role to boost awareness of any project and they would be rewarded with tokens reserved for bounty.

What is the core features of Space-iZ ecosystem and technical advantage? Why should we have trust in #Space-iZtechnology and buying $Space-iZ in the next presale?

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
Our ecosystem consisting of 3 core components, the token, the token holders and the app; is complemented by discounted co-live and co-work spaces on our platform.

SPIZ Token

The SPACE-iZ Token utilises blockchain to transfer value and benefits, between token holders.

The SPACE-iZ DApp manages administration of bookings and facilitates the trade of SPIZ tokens.

1) List all kinds of property owners with a private/personal/commercial/office space can list with us for free marketing
2) Onboard Tenants to offer discounts on any kind of property rented and on other amenities as well.
3) Increase the utility of SPIZ token real-time in the property sector


Hotbin Simanjuntak :
thanks also to the enthusiasm of the community
You all are amazing!

Alright, let me say today’s program is over.
thanks for your time Mr. @Venkat88 🤝

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
Thank you for your time and the enthusiasm of this amazing community !!

Wolf Of Wharf Street:
Dear Community,

We have started trading with SPIZ pairs, namely,





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