Spacemob Insiders: Jessica

Murelle Garrigos
Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2017

“We lived in Vietnam for a year. Once, we visited the bird park, where there was a line of kids walking alongside us. They were making pretty things with flowers and leaves, and were being very nice to us. It was because there was a vending machine at the end of the road and they all wanted the can of Coke. I remember my father buying every single kid a can of Coke. We pretty much emptied the machine. What struck me the most was the fact that they did not open it and drink it, but took it back and shared it with their family. It was the cutest thing. Just a can of Coke, something as simple as that, made them so happy.

“It kinda puts some perspective to life.”

“I guess my father inspires me a lot because everything he does is for his family. He works very hard and always taught me to depend only on myself. You will see the benefits afterwards and don’t be lazy. Go after what you want, and you will be that person.” (Ascent, Singapore)

Spacemob Insiders is a series of short quotes that showcases the members that make up Spacemob’s community.

