Tools for developers on StarkNet

SpaceShard author
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2022
List of Useful Tools for Developers on StarkNet

Hello dear anon!

Are you interested in what tools the StarkNet ecosystem can offer you to push further the frontiers of blockchain? To boldly go where few have gone before?

Then this is the right place for you!


Here are some general tools that you will most certainly use, even without developing smart contracts or dApps 👇👇👇


You will need a wallet in your journey, so check out these awesome 2 wallets:

Block Explorers

You will probably want to check the status of your transactions on testnet and mainnet, so use these explorers:



  • Official token bridge between Ethereum, StarkNet and back!

RPC providers

Check what’s going on on StarkNet with these RPC providers!



  • Apibara SDK provides an high-level interface to build applications that transform streams of web3 data.


StarkNet and Cairo Documentation

  • Official StarkNet documentation

StarkNet community docs

  • StarkNet documentation maintained by the community

StarkNet Community Forum

  • Forum for StarkNet community members to discuss technical opportunities


Are you ready to start developing your dApp or smart contract? If yes, choose some of these tools!

Smart contract development

Starknet Devnet

StarkNet Hardhat Plugin


  • Want to start working on Cairo smart contracts in a Python based SDK? Then use Nile from OpenZeppelin!


  • StarkNet smart contract development toolchain in pure Cairo, blazing fast!



  • Want your application to interact with StarkNet in a web based environment? Then you will do well by using Starknet.js!

  • Python library for interacting with StarkNet


  • Rust library for interacting with StarkNet


  • Go library for interacting with StarkNet


  • StarkNet wallet <-> dApp bridge

Useful tools

Put some more tools in your toolbox!

Testnet faucet

  • Get you some L2 ETH on the StarkNet Goerli testnet!
  • Use it to pay transaction fees in StarkNet.


  • Simple web application that aims at being a toolbox for Cairo developers.


  • Solidity to Cairo transpiler

Additional information

Our article will be updated in time, but it does not cover all possible tools by any means. We just wanted to give you a more general overview.

For more StarkNet awesomeness, check out these resources:

Developer Tools — StarkNet

  • Tools list from official StarkNet site

The Starknet Book

  • Insights on tooling, architecture, account abstractions, STARKs, and Starknet-specific applications


  • A curated list of awesome StarkNet resources, libraries, tools and more


  • A comprehensive, annotated list of repositories of the starknet ecosystem

Thanks for reading dear anon!

We hope you will enjoy your time developing on StarkNet and help us in pushing the frontiers of blockchain!

If you want to be up to date with SpaceShard projects and StarkNet news, make sure you follow our blog and our Twitter. You can also find us on

Be sure to check out the official StarkNet discord, ask questions and find more awesome people like yourself!

‍*This article was originally published on SpaceShard blog.



SpaceShard author

R&D blockchain lab that works on bridging Zero-Knowledge technology and bringing it close to mass adoption. ⁣⁣⁣