StarkWare Sessions 2023 TLV: SpaceShard recap

SpaceShard author
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2023

Hello frens!

Imagine this: an escape from a cold, cloudy, winter season to a sunny, warm, summer-like environment! You’re enjoying the feeling of the warm sun on your skin and the smell of salt in the air … ☀️🌊🏄

Sounds great, right?

Well, it was supposed to be like that when we imagined our travel to Tel Aviv for the StarkWare Sessions conference, but in the end, we were so lucky to get a Tel Aviv weather rarity — all rainy days… Talking about luck, right? 🍀

TBH, we were not going on a vacation but to meet, listen to and hang out with some of the best minds in the world of StarkNet, L2s, and crypto in general!

After arriving in Tel Aviv, we first visited the Tel Aviv Hacker building, organized by the wonderful people from OnlyDust! The goal of the hacker house is to gather builders for a week in one place, to contribute to StarkNet open-source projects that aim to empower the whole ecosystem. As usual, a lot of bright people in one place, and the result can be no other than electrifying! ⚡⚡⚡

The following days were all reserved for the conference and venue at the beautiful Cameri Theatre. Around 500 participants gathered, chatted, exchanged ideas, and attended talks and workshops!

Here are some of our favorite talks include:

Our CEO Edi was also a part of the panel Road to Production on StarkNet, a panel about the challenges and opportunities that exist currently for projects that aim to live on the StarkNet mainnet. (see video below👇)

In between talks, we had a chance to reconnect with many builders from the StarkNet community! Just some of them include the wonderful people from Software Mansion, Argent, Braavos, Lambda Class, Maker DAO, and many more… Sharing ideas, proposals, improvements — oh, just an amazing vibe!

One thing we are super-proud of 🥹 was the official announcement of Chainlink joining Starknet, which we were also partially guilty for 😋👇

We also had the pleasure to “Walk the Talk” with our favorite Crypto Gurkha — so do check out what Edi, Ivan, and Gurkha talked about👇

Now that feelings and impressions have finally settled, we can honestly say it was nothing less than an amazing event! A ton of interesting talks, panels, announcements, deep dive technical topics… There was something for everyone!

We would like to finish this article with a couple of our favorite quotes from all talks, first by Eli:

Starknet is future-proof, here to stay, you are in the right place building on it!


Integrity was beautifully defined by C.S. Lewis — as doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

And third:

Don’t forget to keep StarkNet strange 😉

p.s. be sure can watch all the sessions talks on StarkWare’s YouTube channel:

If you want to keep up with the news on what SpaceShard is currently working on, follow us on Twitter and Medium.

‍*This article was originally published on SpaceShard blog.



SpaceShard author

R&D blockchain lab that works on bridging Zero-Knowledge technology and bringing it close to mass adoption. ⁣⁣⁣