Crypto exchange is dead, long live the crypto exchange

Walter Philips
🚀SpaceXpanse Multiverse
4 min readAug 15, 2023

The Demise of Centralized Crypto Exchanges (CEXs), the Rise of Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) and the Crucial Role of Atomic Trading

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As the world of cryptocurrencies continues to evolve, the once-dominant Centralized Crypto Exchanges (CEX) are facing a precarious future. The rise of Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) and atomic trading is ushering in a new era of peer-to-peer value exchange and trustless accounts, offering users more control, transparency, and security. In this article, we delve into the reasons behind the decline of CEXs, the growing importance of DEXs and atomic trading in particular, and how the technologies the SpaceXpanse Multiverse possesses will address these challenges.

The Problems Plaguing Centralized Crypto Exchanges (CEX)

The Collapse of Prominent CEXs like FTX

The downfall of FTX, a major cryptocurrency exchange valued at $40 billion, served as a stark reminder of the risks associated with centralized exchanges. The company’s bankruptcy and allegations of fraud and money laundering have highlighted the inherent weaknesses of CEXs, which are often located in loosely regulated jurisdictions like the Bahamas.

Withdrawals from CEXs

Following the FTX debacle, approximately $13 billion was withdrawn from centralized exchanges, according to blockchain forensics firm Chainalysis. This event triggered a shift in trading patterns towards decentralized platforms, with some observers predicting the decline of CEXs in favor of peer-to-peer decentralized trading.

Regulation and Compliance Concerns

CEXs have faced increased scrutiny from regulators concerned about their lack of transparency and accountability. A perfect example is Binance, which has been dubbed a “ghost company” due to its unclear legal jurisdiction. In response, some experts predict that strictly regulated CEXs, run by traditional institutions, will expand while offshore exchanges will decline.

The Rise of Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) and Atomic Trading

Soaring DEX Trading Volumes

As investors moved away from CEXs, trading volumes on DEXs more than doubled to $51 billion in the week following the FTX collapse. Although DEXs still account for only about 10% of the total trade volume compared to centralized counterparts, their growing popularity demonstrates a clear shift towards decentralized platforms.

Trustless Accounts and Atomic Trading

DEXs and atomic trading enable users to trade directly with one another, retaining ownership of their assets without relying on a centralized intermediary. This trustless approach reduces the risk of fraud and offers greater transparency and control.

The SpaceXpanse Multiverse Solution

SpaceXpance Multiverse aims to address the issues plaguing CEXs by offering atomic trading and trustless accounts. The platform supports the secure and seamless exchange of in-game assets and cryptocurrencies through atomic transactions, providing a trustless and decentralized alternative to traditional CEXs.

Use Cases of Atomic Trading and Trustless Accounts

Buying Unlimited Assets and Services

Atomic trading and trustless accounts can be utilized in various use cases, such as purchasing unlimited assets or services in blockchain games. Game developers can establish rules that allow players to acquire in-game assets or services in exchange for cryptocurrencies, ensuring a transparent and secure transaction process.

Interactive Trades

Atomic trading can facilitate interactive trades between buyers and sellers, streamlining the negotiation and transaction process. By building and executing atomic transactions collaboratively, both parties can enjoy a secure and efficient trading experience without the need for intermediaries.

Offline Bids and Auctions

Through atomic trading, buyers can submit offline bids for assets like tokens and NFTs, while sellers can list items for sale in a trustless and decentralized manner. This approach enables secure and transparent auctions, allowing users to participate in a global marketplace without relying on centralized exchanges.

Offline Asks

Sellers can use atomic trading to create offline asks, allowing buyers to extend transactions and make offers without requiring real-time interaction. This method offers greater flexibility and convenience for both parties, paving the way for a more efficient and secure trading environment.

The Future of Crypto Trading: Decentralized IDs and Atomic Trading

As the shortcomings of CEXs become increasingly apparent, the future of crypto trading lies in the adoption of decentralized IDs and atomic trading technologies. Decentralized platforms and trustless accounts offer users greater control, security, and transparency, addressing the issues that have plagued centralized exchanges.

Wall Street-Led Exchanges

Some experts predict that the next trend in crypto trading will be state- or Wall Street-led exchanges that are fully compliant with regulatory standards. Companies like Citadel Securities, Sequoia Capital, and Fidelity Digital Assets have already joined forces to establish EDX Markets, a cryptocurrency exchange aimed at institutional investors.

Government-Backed Platforms

Countries and cities are also exploring the world of crypto trading and asset management. Indonesia, for instance, plans to launch a national cryptocurrency exchange in June, while South Korea’s Busan city aims to establish a city-backed digital asset exchange.

The Role of DeFi

Despite the rise of centralized and government-backed platforms, many blockchain specialists argue that the future of crypto trading lies in decentralization. As the technology behind decentralized platforms continues to evolve, solutions like SpaceXpanse Multiverse’s atomic trading and trustless account capabilities will play a crucial role in shaping the crypto landscape.


The era of centralized crypto exchanges is coming to an end as the crypto world embraces the potential of decentralized platforms, atomic trading, and trustless accounts. By addressing the issues of transparency, security, and control, DEXs and atomic trading solutions like the SpaceXpanse Multiverse platform are paving the way for a more secure and efficient future in crypto trading.

