🚀SpaceXpanse Multiverse and Nostr protocol — The Perfect Match

Walter Philips
🚀SpaceXpanse Multiverse
8 min readNov 3, 2023

It will help solving current off-chain storage problem

As you may already know, SpaceXpanse Multiverse is a way to create virtual worlds that are interconnected. It is also a platform for developers to create new and innovative decentralized applications. On the other hand, the Nostr protocol, which stands for Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays, is a decentralized social media protocol that stores its data in a very simple but powerful way. That’s why they are a very good combination. They are both open source, scalable, secure, and decentralized.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

What is SpaceXpanse Multiverse?

One of the key features of SpaceXpanse Multiverse is its use of blockchain technology. Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that allows for secure and transparent transactions of value. This makes SpaceXpanse Multiverse an ideal platform for developing decentralized applications that are tamper-proof and resistant to censorship.

Another key feature of SpaceXpanse Multiverse is its focus on the user experience. The platform is designed to be easy to use and accessible to everyone. This means that users will be able to create and explore metaverses without having to have any overspecialized knowledge of blockchain technology.

SpaceXpanse Multiverse is still under development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way that we interact with the digital world. By making it easy to create and explore virtual worlds, SpaceXpanse Multiverse could open up new possibilities for education, entertainment, and social interaction.

Here are some specific examples of what SpaceXpanse Multiverse could be used for:

  • Developers could create new and innovative games that take place in virtual worlds.
  • Businesses could use SpaceXpanse Multiverse to create virtual showrooms or customer service centers.
  • Educational institutions could use SpaceXpanse Multiverse to create virtual classrooms or learning environments.
  • Social media platforms could use SpaceXpanse Multiverse to create more immersive and engaging experiences for their users.

These are just a few examples of the many possibilities that SpaceXpanse Multiverse offers. As the platform continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and exciting applications emerge.

What is Nostr?

On the other hand, Nostr is a decentralized social media protocol that is not controlled by any single entity or company but rather by a network of independent servers called relays.

Nostr clients (apps) allow users to publish and subscribe to events from other users. When a user publishes an event, it is sent to all of the relays that they are subscribed to. The relays then forward the event to all of the other users who are subscribed to that relay.

Nostr events can be anything from text posts to images to videos to links. They can also be used to create polls, surveys, and other interactive content.

One of the key features of Nostr is that it is censorship-resistant. This means that it is very difficult for any single entity to block or censor events on the network. This is because events are not stored on any single server but rather on a distributed network of relays.

Another key feature of Nostr is that it is very simple to use. To get started, all you need is a Nostr client. Once you have a client, you can start publishing and subscribing to events from other users.

Here is a simplified analogy to help you understand how Nostr works:

Imagine that you and your friends are all writing notes to each other. You don’t want to give your notes to a central authority, like a post office, to deliver. Instead, you decide to use a relay system.

Each of your friends sets up a relay box in their front yard. When you want to send a note to a friend, you put it in their relay box. Your friend then checks their relay box regularly and delivers any notes that they find to the intended recipient.

The Nostr protocol is similar to this relay system. Instead of using physical relay boxes, Nostr uses digital relays. When you publish an event on Nostr, it is sent to all of the relays that you are subscribed to. The relays then forward the events to all of the other users who are subscribed to that relay.

Nostr is also still under development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way that we communicate and share information online.

And Nostr and SpaceXpanse Multiverse can work together in perfect harmony.

First, Nostr can be used to store the metadata of SpaceXpanse Multiverse assets. This metadata could include things like the asset’s name, description, and image. This would allow users to browse and interact with SpaceXpanse Multiverse assets without having to store the assets themselves on their devices.

Second, Nostr can be used to store the content of SpaceXpanse Multiverse assets. This could include things like text, images, videos, and audio files. This would allow users to access SpaceXpanse Multiverse assets without having to rely on a central server.

Third, Nostr can be used to store the state of SpaceXpanse Multiverse applications. This would allow users to resume their progress in SpaceXpanse Multiverse applications even if they lose their internet connection.

Here is a simplified example of how Nostr and SpaceXpanse Multiverse could work together:

Imagine that you are playing a game in SpaceXpanse Multiverse. When you create a new character, the metadata for your character is stored on the Nostr network. This metadata includes the character’s name, appearance, and stats.

As you play the game, your character’s progress is stored on the Nostr network. This progress includes things like your character’s level, inventory, and quest progress.

If you lose your internet connection, you can still access your character’s metadata and progress on the Nostr network. This allows you to resume playing the game where you left off, even without an internet connection.

Another example is when SpaceXpanse's ROD blockchain storage capability can help transfer data between Nostr relays that can’t reach each other by providing a decentralized and secure way to store and share this data.

Nostr relays are independent servers that help to propagate messages across the Nostr network. However, there may be times when two Nostr relays are unable to communicate with each other directly, such as if they are located on different networks or if one of the relays is down. Then ROD blockchain can be used to bridge the gap between these relays by providing a way for them to store and share some information, like some specific event or list of relays. This would allow the relays to communicate with each other even if they are unable to communicate directly.

Here is a simplified example of how SpaceXpanse Multiverse blockchain storage could be used to transfer data between Nostr relays:

  1. A user publishes a message on the Nostr network.
  2. The message is propagated to all of the Nostr relays that the user is subscribed to.
  3. However, one of the Nostr relays is unable to communicate with the other relays directly.
  4. The Nostr relay that is unable to communicate directly with the other relays stores the message on the ROD blockchain.
  5. The other Nostr relays then download the message from the blockchain.
  6. The message is then propagated to all of the other users who are subscribed to these Nostr relays.

And here are just some of the benefits of using Nostr and SpaceXpanse Multiverse together:

  • Scalability: Nostr and SpaceXpanse Multiverse are both designed to be scalable. This means that they can handle a large number of users and transactions without sacrificing performance.
  • Security: Nostr and SpaceXpanse Multiverse are both very secure platforms. This is because they both use sophisticated ways to protect user data.
  • Decentralization: Nostr and SpaceXpanse Multiverse are both decentralized platforms. This means that they are not controlled by any single entity, and the information stored on them is immutable.
  • Interoperability: They can complement each other by storing data in a way that can benefit both parties and avoid their downsides.


The potential for monetization using SpaceXpanse ROD coin is significant and includes, but is not limited to:

For SpaceXpanse Multiverse users:

  • A SpaceXpanse Multiverse user could create a metaverse or dApp that is only accessible to users who pay a monthly fee in ROD coins and store all its data on private or public Nostr relays.
  • A SpaceXpanse Multiverse user could sell in-metaverse or dApp items, such as clothing, vehicles, and weapons, for ROD coins and, again, store all its data on private or public Nostr relays.
  • A SpaceXpanse Multiverse user could create and sell NFTs that give users access to exclusive areas of their metaverse, special in-metaverse, or dApp abilities and store their metadata on private or public Nostr relays.

For Nostr clients:

  • A Nostr user could create a private channel that is only accessible to users who pay a monthly fee in ROD coin.
  • A Nostr user could create a newsletter or podcast and charge users a subscription fee in ROD coin.
  • A Nostr user could create an educational course and charge students a tuition fee in ROD coin.

For Nostr relay owners:

  • A Nostr relay owner could charge other relay owners for peering.
  • A Nostr relay owner could charge users a fee to access their relay by period or by amount used.
  • A Nostr relay owner could charge developers for access to their relay APIs.

These are just a few examples. There are many other possibilities, and as both platforms continue to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and exciting applications emerge.


SpaceXpanse plans to implement the Nostr protocol on its Multiverse platform to address the current off-chain storage issue. SpaceXpanse Multiverse utilizes blockchain for secure transactions, emphasizing user-friendly experiences and potentially revolutionizing education, business, gaming, and social media. Nostr’s decentralized structure allows users to publish and subscribe to various content while being censorship-resistant. It operates through relays, ensuring information distribution and storage across networks. The integration of these two platforms offers several benefits.

  1. Nostr storing metadata of SpaceXpanse Multiverse assets, enabling browsing without local storage.
  2. Storing content of SpaceXpanse Multiverse assets on Nostr, reducing reliance on central servers.
  3. Nostr preserving the state of SpaceXpanse Multiverse applications, allowing seamless user experiences even offline.
  4. The synergy extends further to enable data transfer between isolated Nostr relays through the ROD blockchain, providing decentralized and secure data storage and sharing.
  5. Monetization options for both platforms involve utilizing the SpaceXpanse ROD coin. For example:
    - For SpaceXpanse Multiverse users: charging ROD coins for exclusive access, in-metaverse items, or NFTs and storing their status on Nostr relays.
    - For Nostr clients: charging ROD coins for private channels, subscriptions, or educational courses.
    - For Nostr relay owners: charging for peering, access fees, or API usage.

So this collaboration offers numerous opportunities, paving the way for innovative applications as both platforms continue to evolve.

