SpaghettETH II #raWstories — Tales from the trenches in the heart of Naples

Fabrizio Genovese
Published in
1 min readFeb 1, 2023

A team of developers patching a vulnerable smart contract in the middle of the night. Anonymous journalists infiltrating a ring of scammers. White hat hackers trying to recover misplaced funds without being snipered by MEV-extraction bots. There is plenty of stories like these in the crypto ecosystem, and everyone having worked in it for a few years has heard of some, if not lived through some of them directly. Stories of people that dedicated time and energy, putting their skill on the line, to the public good. We call them raWstories, or ‘tales from the trenches’, if you prefer.

These stories are important, as they remind us that what makes our community special is the sheer value of its human capital: People are what makes the crypto-clock tick. As such, we decided to dedicate the next SpaghettETH, to be hosted in Naples in May 2023, to the very people that make up the Ethereum ecosystem.

We aim to welcome newcomers, and help old timers to nostalgically reminisce, by bridging the gap between cold, technical presentations and emotionally packed storytelling. We believe that having our speakers recounting their raWstories is the best way to learn something about their work while establishing a meaningful human connection.

We can’t wait to see you in Naples! Gather with us around the campfire and bring your raWstories with you!

