Dr. Bank …

Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2021


Last night I was late due to a personal commitment. My head started spinning, I guess because of improper sleep for a few days. So I thought of getting medication.

Since it was quite late, I thought of going to the nearest ATM and getting medicine, instead of waiting for the bank to open the next day. I tried it on the kiosk screen and wasn’t successful. I decided to pick up the phone inside the ATM and spoke with an executive. He said, “We are a bank and we don’t prescribe medicine” and suggested I visit a hospital. I thought he was being rude so I tried to use logic with him. I told him that banks do predict and advise on health matters but I failed miserably as he thought I was high and hung the phone.

All this while, I was wondering how a bank can come out with Covid-19 predictions but can’t prescribe medicines. After failing at a couple of banks, I opened my books and checked on this simple prediction. A simple logic of “higher high higher low” and “lower low lower highs” came out after some investigation.

I began wondering how did the media publish this report without even explaining the rationale behind the same, something that is still very much the fashion.

If you are wondering what all the above was about, let me explain it to you.

The above logics are trading logics and used in trading parlance.

Let’s get a better understanding of them!

Higher highs and higher lows — Indicate that an uptrend is occurring with the overall increase in the value


Lower highs and lower lows — Indicate that a downtrend is occurring while decreasing the overall value.

Traders analyze this information to make future decisions and predict potential changes in trends. The ability to accurately forecast changes in number by looking at both higher highs and higher lows, as well as the lower highs and lower lows, gives one the chance to create and implement an effective strategy.

The strategy also factors in the rate of increase/decrease, something which is quite important when analysing the COVID trends. The rate of infection, deaths and vaccination are three rates that need to be monitored closely, and looks like it’s raising an alarm!

Another event to monitor closely is when this second wave peaks out. How the lows pan out will decide the trends of the third wave (Yes there will be one!)

If the third wave makes a higher high, it could derail the healthcare infrastructure and many facilities could collapse.

In case the third wave starts making lower lows, it may take months or even years to fizzle out, leaving scars and various problems in its aftermath.

Whatever happens in the years to come, the world will have new categories to see. Categories where it will be numbers, numbers and numbers!

Disclaimer: I am not a Healthcare expert and take all the necessary precautions. While Investing, I have an advisor who makes sure nothing is left with me, even to buy peanuts!

