Cauliflower Rice

Rachel Lett
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2019

Fluffy and full of flavour, I would honestly choose cauliflower rice any day, over its bland alternative, basmatti.


Fat : 1.2g
Protein : 1.9g
Net Carbohydrates : 2.9g
Calories : 33kcal

serves 6


1 head of cauliflower (approx. 600g)
knob of butter


  • Divide the cauliflower into florets or rough chunks. In a couple of batches, blitz the cauliflower in ‘pulses’ till it looks like rice or cous-cous. Be careful not to overcrowd the blender, or over blend the cauliflower; otherwise is will become too fine and wet.

If a blender is not available to you, then prepare the cauliflower with a knife and/or grater. Holding the base of the cauliflower, place the cauliflower on its side and slice the top of the crown very thinly—the florets will fall into a fluffy heap of tiny pieces. Keep slicing until you reach the stalk, turn the cauliflower on its head, and slice the sides, similarly. Grate or finely chop the remaining stalk. You can also use a grater to to prepare the whole cauliflower, just first quarter it so it’s easier to manage and hold.

  • Melt a knob of butter in a heavy based pan, over a medium to low heat. Add the cauliflower, stir and clamp the lid on, allowing it to steam. Stirring occasionally, cook for 5 minutes, until softened, but still with a bit of bite.

Serve as you would normal rice with your favourite chillies and curries!

Bon App! R

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