Span: personalised and continuous chronic care from home

Why we came together to put you in remission of type 2 diabetes

Patrick Samy
Published in
5 min readNov 2, 2018


Hey there 👋 You’ve heard about type 2 diabetes, right? It’s a lifestyle-induced condition that develops over 20 years on average — imagine how resistant your body is 💪

Less intuitively, being diagnosed just means you hit a threshold where complications start to arise. But essentially, you’ve been progressing on the type 2 diabetes spectrum for years ⌛

In the next few weeks, with my team, we’ll share a series of educational articles for you to understand everything about the underlying mechanisms of this condition. In the meantime, here is what you need to know:

You can be in remission of type 2 diabetes. Yes, it has been clinically-proven 🔬

We want to make sure that you and your close ones can benefit from the therapies that allow you to be in remission: our vision to eradicate lifestyle-induced conditions by delivering a model of chronic care carefully crafted for the digital world 🌍

I know what you’re thinking…who’s “we”? Well, that’s the story I want to tell you today.

The story about why the 3 of us, despite different backgrounds, came together to tackle this massive epidemic, affecting half of the population, at scale. Here we go👇👇👇

The best team ever ❤️

Adam 👨‍⚕️

As a medical doctor specialised in genomics and longevity, he clearly had a deep understanding of cutting-edge medical science, shared our overall vision, and was passionate about the problem in a unique way. Interestingly, we were also huge fans of the same medical & tech podcasts.

Adam is mind-blowingly smart and truly visionary. One thing he said during our first encounter has entirely changed my perception of the epidemic:

Chronic diseases should be looked at through the prism of ageing.

Suddenly, everything I knew and had been researching started to fit together in a new and more interesting way: it’s all about accelerated ageing. We needed to leverage the science of ageing to design personalised lifestyles that optimize for maximum healthspan and lifespan.

We started working together and he designed a therapy based on research and clinical studies for type 2 diabetes, using continuous assessment of the state of your metabolism.

Fast-forward a few weeks later, the UK National Health Service was onboard, through their innovation program. It enabled us to start a clinical trial to show our results and start implementing our digital therapy internally.

Rachel 👩‍🍳

More recently, she reached out with similar views, but from a somehow different point of view.

When she was younger, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It’s a form of cancer affecting immune system cells. She was in remission for a few years, first went to cookery school, worked as a chef, and later went on to study nutrition.

Then she had a relapse: healthy whole-foods diet, countryside life, non-smoker…she was a picture of health, so it came as a surprise when it reappeared after so long.

This time as a nutritionist, she started deep diving into the latest medical research. Bear in mind that today, most oncologists would say there is no need to adapt your diet after you’re diagnosed or during the treatment.

She couldn’t believe nutrition doesn’t have an impact. Indeed, that’s not what science suggests at all.

She went on and created a personalised nutrition plan for herself to leverage the effects of nutritional ketosis and improve gut health: the results were life-changing.

She has never felt better in her entire life, recovered faster than expected, and has been in remission since then.

Patrick 🧙🏼‍

What about me? I’m an avid learner, an engineer by training, a product designer by passion, and science runs in my veins.

Last year I reversed my pre-diabetes in a few weeks and became a savvy biohacker in the process.

But my personal drive mainly comes from losing a grandmother to type 2 diabetes, seeing my mom and her sister live through breast cancer, and my dad experience symptoms of the metabolic syndrome for years.

As Peter Attia, a medical doctor we admire, puts it:

“ The single most important thing you can do to live longer, is pick the right parents. ”

I obviously didn’t do a good job here 😂 The real challenge though, is when you focus on what you can actually change throughout the course of your life — that’s where we come in!

Rachel, Patrick, Adam — nice to meet you 👋

You got it, we’re on a mission 👨‍🚀👩‍🚀👨‍🚀

We have all lived through the problem in a unique way: it’s the number one thing on our mind when we wake up.

Our mission? Eradicate type 2 diabetes by 2030 🚀

First, we want to provide you with the feedback tools to understand your metabolism. Then we can use this feedback data to design a lifestyle that you enjoy and helps reverse most chronic conditions or symptoms that affect your daily life.

There’s more! On the way, we’re developing similar therapies based on pre-existing clinical studies for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, cancer, with the help of leading institutions such as Stanford University.

You’re probably wondering who we are, what we believe in, and why we are going to succeed, right? Here is what you need to know:

  • We’re radically personal
  • We nurture our first principles mindset
  • We always look for a sustainable solution
  • We’re educative to reassure and empower you
  • We believe your journey to better health can be joyful and uplifting

Like what you’re reading? 🤩

Next up, I’ll tell you about our therapies, how we design and deliver these to you in the comfort of your home.

In the meantime, we’re looking for authentic ambassadors who have lived through the problem, or can relate through family and friends to join us on our mission:

Want to chat? Email us at

Til next time 🙌🏽

I’m sure you’re curious about the science behind all this 🔬 Here are some recent medical publications our first therapy is based on:


