Gaspar at a Spanish council pound
Rehomed Gaspar (centre) with his chow chow sisters

From Pound to Pet: Gaspar the Chow Chow’s story

Spanish Stray Dogs
Spanish Stray Dogs
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2014


Even Chow Chows like Gaspar can find themselves at a council dog pound. Fluffball Gaspar wasn’t a fan of the Spanish heat and is much happier now he’s found a home in the cooler Norfolk, England.

His human, Tania, found Gasper on the Spanish Stray Dogs UK website. “To be honest all the dogs looked gorgeous but as I already have Chow Chows, I saw Gasper and my heart went out to him and knew I would love to bring him back to the UK to live with me, ” Tania says.

Gaspar adjusted to his new life quickly. “He was wary of leads going on and off to begin with, but now that isn’t a issue as he associates leads with walkies and he hops and jumps about in excitement. He would never let me clean his eyes and ears, but now he does, we have built a close bond with him and he’s more trusting as each day passes,” Tania says.

From being found abandoned on the streets on Spain, Gaspar is now enjoying a life which would make all his friends back at the pound envious. “On a typical day for Gasper, I get up and when I come downstairs his bum is waggling non-stop, he gets so excited — which is lovely to see. We go for walks either the beach or a local wood, then we come back and he will rest while I take out my other dogs. When I get back I will prepare his dinner of either chicken, beef mince or tripe — which he loves,” Tania explains.

After living at a crowded council pound, it’s no surprise that Gaspar likes to stretch his legs. “He just loves going for a walk. When he’s walking on his lead he looks like he’s prancing. He looks gorgeous. He probably likes the beach best, as likes to get his paws wet in the sea,” Tania says.

Tania’s experience of adopting Gaspar has been a positive one. “I can say that having Gasper has been amazing, it feels like he’s been here all his life, he gets on great with my other dogs and cats and is the missing part of the jigsaw. What I give him he gives back so much more. I could not imagine Gasper not being here now,” she says.

Change a dog like Gaspar’s life, please adopt don’t shop. You see see dogs for adoption at our website:

Gaspar in his new home



Spanish Stray Dogs
Spanish Stray Dogs

We're a non-profit organisation, founded by Amee Angelina Townsend to help a STRAY DOG called Ben. Facebook: Tweets by @primate_girl.