Free New Years Day Cam Show on

Published in
1 min readDec 29, 2017

Thank you all for joining us on the incredible journey that was 2017. To celebrate our combined success and to kick off 2018 in proper SpankChain fashion, we’re hosting a free live cam show beginning New Years Day at 1:00pm PST over on

We’re big believers in trust-but-verify, and we’d like to verify Agora’s “thousands of viewers” claim. So from 1:00pm — 2:00pm PST Giselle Palmer will take the stage and Lena Paul will close out the show from 2:00pm — 3:00pm PST.

The show will be donation based via Metamask so please view in Google Chrome if you’d like to splurge a little of those 2017 gains and show your support.

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A cryptoeconomic powered adult entertainment ecosystem built on the Ethereum network.