SpankMonthly — November

Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2019

Greetings SpankNation!

Strap in and strap on, there’s lots to cover in this month’s edition of SpankMonthly!’s first season has ended.

After much deliberation and initial hesitance, we decided to turn the cameras off. For now. The show isn’t over, and we have hopes that Season Two will be bigger and better.

The last day of operations was Monday, October 28th. The site will remain up for everyone to easily withdraw any remaining balances.

You can read more about our rationale for taking off air in our post about it, but the summary is that is no longer the best showcase for SpankChain and needs significant upgrades to streamline key management and user onboarding.

For to truly have the best user experience, SpankPay will need to be the sexiest payment system on the market.


The first step was to make sure anyone could sign up and use SpankPay. We were extremely proud to announce that’s now possible! Users can now sign up, add funds to their account — BTC, ETH, LTC, or USDC — and carry that balance to any merchant partner site, and pay with a single click.

For those seeking more privacy, we also extended that sexy single click option to anyone with MetaMask (and soon other web3 wallets).

When a user goes to a site with SpankPay, selects an item to purchase and signals their intent to purchase with crypto, SpankPay will open and detect if the user has a web3 wallet installed with a sufficient balance to cover the purchase. The Merchant Address and Purchase Amount will automatically be filled in, and the user will be presented with the Payment Confirmation screen. After a quick review to ensure everything looks good, the user simply has to click Confirm, and they’ll be well on their way to instant gratification.

For merchants looking to simplify accounting, we also shipped the ability to choose a holding currency. Merchants will have the ability to choose from the original Payment Currency, BTC, ETH, or BOOTY (pegged to $1 USD).

If a merchant chooses not to select a specific currency (default = Payment Currency), then their balances will be held in whatever currency their customer has chosen to pay with (BTC, ETH, LTC, USDC, etc…), and the merchant will be able to withdraw each crypto balance separately. We feel this will cater to those who want stability and those comfortable with volatility.

You may have already seen some of the other teasers for upcoming SpankPay features. An improved Performer and Merchant Dashboard that will display Balance Activity and Sales by Day, Week, and Month will go live soon, and that will be followed by Performer Profiles. We want to make it easy for fans to search for performers by name or content tags, discover all of their links, follow and send offline tips — from anywhere in the world!


Every purchase made with SpankPay is also a contribution to the SpankBank. 0.5% of all transactions gets converted to BOOTY 🍑 and sent to the SpankBank to be burned. More sites and performers using SpankPay to accept and pay for porn means more fees for the SpankBank. We won’t stop until the entire online adult industry is using SpankPay as their crypto payment processor and the BOOTY 🍑 economy is in full swing so be sure to reach out to your favorite sites, and let us know who you’d like to see integrate SpankPay next!


The first phase of SpankClips development is nearing completion. The SpankClips Performer Portal will allow models to upload and stage their existing content in preparation for the subsequent phases — monetezation and distribution. SpankClips will allow everyone to remonetize their existing content and provide a home for all their new creations! We’re striving to have SpankClips launch with thousands of hours of content so we can provide the best showcase for our models and for SpankPay. Giving performers the ability to upload everything before launch will make it that much easier for everyone else to splurge on all that sweet, sexy content with all their crypto at launch time. 😏

As always, we’d like to thank the entire community for being a part of this mission to create an open financial system for the adult industry. There’s still much to be done. 🍑

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A cryptoeconomic powered adult entertainment ecosystem built on the Ethereum network.