TeamSpank March-es Onwards

Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2020


Coronavirus Isn’t Slowing Spank Down!

That’s the great thing about adult online content — it’s good, clean fun. A little bit of sanitizer for your keyboard, and you can just go at it. March is full of exciting updates, so here’s hoping it will lighten the viral mood.

All Hail, SpankPay

Models have been showing SpankPay Me all the love on Twitter. We’re really proud to see this platform be embraced by the people it was designed for. Go us!

By the way, did everyone catch Avery Black’s sexy SpankPay video?

Check out her profile and send her a tip at

Models aren’t the only ones talking. SpankPay is making headlines left, right and center, and for all the good reasons. If you want to catch up on our progress, check out this podcast with our own Allie Knox and a Spank community member and former Spank.Live model, Tantra Punk.

Plastic (Almost) Fantastic

We’re still working hard to get approval from Visa on our debit card offering. If everything goes according to plan, we will launch it in the next 4–6 weeks. Hold on to your panties, folks!

In the meantime, our main priority is to ensure a seamless integration into SpankPay. We want our users to be able to set up automatic top-ups for their debit card directly from their SpankPay balance. That way, they won’t have to go through the hassle of setting up an exchange account and withdrawing every time they want to be able to spend their earnings. We’re all about keeping things quick and easy. Wham, bam, cash in (or out), ma’am.

Addressing the needs of our customers and models quickly and efficiently is super important to us. So, we’re also building out new tools for our SpankPay admin dashboard, which will make handling support requests a breeze and save us from having to dig through the guts of the database.

Once we have our debit card integrated, our long-term plan is to migrate user funds to non-custodial smart contract wallets on Ethereum and provide support DeFi lending protocols, so users can earn interest on their idle funds. In layman’s terms, we want to make your debit card work for you.

Assuming there are no hiccups, our card is positioned to become one of the first integrated DeFi savings + fiat debit cards able to service U.S. customers. It’s no big deal. It’s a HUGE deal.

You spoke up, we listened

Try as we might, we know we might not be perfect — not yet. That’s why we want you to keep sending us your feedback. Together, we are going to build something awesome. Here’s what we’ve learned so far:

You guys and gals asked for a discovery portal, so you can see all SpankPay models (who choose to be listed, of course), as well as a fiat payment processor, so customers can send offline tips using their credit cards. You also would like a subscription system similar to OnlyFans, where models can post exclusive content and monetize their audience in a recurring way.

Ask and you shall receive, Spankers. Ask and you shall receive!

Another important piece of model feedback we received was that most models expected their SpankPay Me earnings to be held stable by default, whereas our default setting was to hold all merchant earnings in the currency they were received in (BTC, ETH, USD, etc…). As of today, we’re updating the default setting for new SpankPay models, and for any existing models who want to switch to stable earnings, you can check out this guide on how to do so.

We’re also getting more feedback from models about their debit cards and bank accounts. Quite understandably, they’re concerned about their privacy and discretion. Model confidence is of the utmost importance to us, and as such, we are looking into crafting even more neutral and broadly appealing branding for our planned debit card offering than the original designs. Stay tuned for more updates!

If you want to help us gather feedback, you can contribute by filling out this short survey about your banking practices to better inform our product decisions. Thanks!


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A cryptoeconomic powered adult entertainment ecosystem built on the Ethereum network.