Welcome Our Community Management Team

Allie Eve Knox and Chase.

3 min readFeb 20, 2018


It is our pleasure to announce two more members to our ever growing team. Community has always been important to us and as our products and company grow we always want our new members to feel welcome, to have their questions answered, and their concerns addressed.

As we watched SpankChain evolve from an idea to a platform we’ve watched the evolution of two members in our community and we couldn’t be happier to now have Allie Eve Knox and Chase aboard as part of the core team.

Allie Eve Knox

Allie Eve Knox is a camgirl, content creator, and performer. With 9 award nominees in her first three years in the Adult Entertainment business, Allie brings more industry experience as well a strong passion to help and further better sex workers rights and tools.

Allie found SpankChain after searching for a sex worker friendly payment processor. After helping out with the ICO sale, Allie became increasingly interested in the ethos of the company and team. Having an adult industry background and experience in cryptocurrency, Allie realized that she would be a vital link between the community and the project.

Allie fell into cryptocurrency while looking for another payment solution, after having all of her accounts closed. Allie spends her free time with two spoiled puppies, binge watching Jeopardy, and is perpetually in search of the perfect taco.

For all social, community, and CryptoTitties inquires please Email Allie at Allie@spankchain.com.


Chase was immediately drawn to SpankChain after they demonstrated the ability to balance an acute, self-aware humor while exhibiting the necessary technical confidence needed to bridge the adult entertainment industry onto Ethereum. Having a firm understanding of both Ethereum’s scaling roadmap and dApp landscape, he immediately recognized the level of care and attention the SpankChain team spent towards assuring their roadmap was realistic, and that they would remain supporters of Ethereum’s ecosystem. Along the way, he discovered just what the performers, artists, and entertainers that make up the adult industry have to deal with on a daily basis.

Chase got into Ethereum for its potential to provide a path towards self-sovereign identity, and for its ability to disrupt existing power structures. This felt like a real opportunity to help lead a charge in an industry that so desperately needs an opportunity to transcend an exploitative past, and start building a more inclusive, collaborative, and harmonious future owned and led by empowered individuals. He quickly joined the SpankChain community, and brought the same supportive, respectful ethos he learned from the OG Ethereum community, and will continue to instill the same values that have made Ethereum the best crypto community in the land.

For all Discord and community inquires please email Chase at Chase@spankchain.com.

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For more information about the SpankChain project:




A cryptoeconomic powered adult entertainment ecosystem built on the Ethereum network.