Creative Ideas for Your Interactive Sales Presentation Centers

Grace Cheung
Spark Blog
Published in
6 min readOct 29, 2018

4 Ways to Reimagine Interactive Presentation Centers with Inventory API

Photo courtesy of Stephan Bechert on Unsplash.

A presentation center is a vital piece of your new development presale strategy.

Whether you call it a presentation center, sales center, or show home, it gives potential buyers the chance to take a look at the eventual build. For your sales team, it presents the opportunity to capture leads and understand how the community can suit the potential buyer.

Studies have shown that interactive technology is a great way to catch the attention of prospects and leads. One way to incorporate interactive technology into your sales center is to showcase the available condos in a smart, responsive, and relevant way, using an open API alongside your inventory database.

Check out some of these ways of using an API to create an interactive sales presentation center!

1. Take advantage of touchscreen interactions in the sales center

Your sales center may already have screens — television or computer — set up around the room, showing videos, static images, or some mixture of the two.

A simple, but often overlooked, way to incorporate interactive elements into your sales presentation center is with interactive screens.

Use your CRM’s ratings system to categorize your inventory and use the API to link the rendered site plans to control buttons on the interactive screen. As your visitors move around the sales presentation center, they can touch the screens to show the type of unit they want to see, its floor plan, the pricing, and even views! It goes without saying that this makes it much easier to capture the prospect’s attention by showing them the exact unit they want.

You can even require visitors to submit information such as an email address or name before they can view details of their selection. Set up the form with the CRM so that the lead’s profile also captures information with their touchscreen interactions — and whether or not the prospect speaks with an agent, you’ll capture the data and which will help you create more personalized and well-targeted outreach later on.

2. Show rendered site plans directly after registration with inventory API

On your showroom floor, it’s completely expected for agents to have tablets, or similar, with them, where visitors register their information. In-person lead generation of this type is a staple of the real estate industry.

It’s also a great way to engage presentation center visitors, especially if your agents are all busy speaking to someone, or the visitor isn’t keen on speaking directly to an agent just yet. The registration form is often a visitor’s first interaction with your team!

And the first interaction presents a prime opportunity to capture the prospect’s attention. Take advantage of the fact that almost all visitors have to engage with a registration form at that first meeting, and immediately use it to encourage them to explore the available unit options.

First, set up the form so that it asks visitors about their preferred unit types. The information that you gather here will help personalize the types of plans and amenities that you show them.

After the visitors submit their form, set up the inventory API so that it pulls in rendered site plans that correspond with their selection. You can incorporate the unit types, facing direction, or amenities that they showed interest in, instantly showing them their favourite aspects of their future home!

If you’re using Spark’s platform, your contact database and your inventory database are hosted together, making it easy to pull information from both and provide information about the right units to the right people.

3. Lighted displays to indicate availability

Make the 3D model more than just a centerpiece. Photo courtesy of Spark.

A model of the finished build is another common staple of presentation centers. It provides a visual representation of the eventual development, and is helpful when talking to potential buyers. Especially because it’s a 3D model, it gives prospects a better idea of the placement of the homes they’re interested in.

It’s important for your sales team to know how the inventory is moving, especially if they’re working with prospects directly on the show floor. It can be difficult for your agents to know the particulars about what units have already sold, especially during the project’s busy opening weekend. They might talk to a very interested buyer about a North-facing two-bedroom, only to realize later on that those are completely sold out!

An inventory management option will be very useful here, especially for the purposes of keeping abreast of updates as live data comes in from all members of the sales team.

Inventory stacking plans are also a good method for showing prospects the details of each unit. It can give hesitant buyers a nudge as they realize that their preferred type is selling out, and gives them important information about price, type, direction, and so on, at a single glance.

The 3D model can sometimes fall to the wayside, becoming just a centerpiece. Give it more impact by incorporating the inventory API.

Sync your inventory data with the physical model to create a to-scale representation of the availability and types of units in the development. Lights are a great way to do this. Different coloured bulbs can indicate the status of each particular unit — green lights for available, yellow for currently held, and red for sold. You can also set it up with different categorizations of units.

For example, use the lights to show which ones have 3, 2 or 1 bedrooms, which cost above or below a certain threshold, or even which ones have particular customization options!

Because the data already exists within your inventory database, using the open API simply allows your team to transform that data into a more simple and engaging format that helps you capture a buyer’s attention and illustrate your point.

4. Video wall displays showing the view from different units and directions

Showing prospects the view from their potential unit can be a huge wow moment.

Especially when working with the upper floors of high-rises, the view from the condo can be an incredibly important aspect of the sale. Prospects might enjoy a view of the river, or prefer to see the setting sun, or maybe catch a cool breeze with a South facing window.

Imagine impressing a prospect with the breathtaking view from their North facing balcony window, just as they ask about it!

With an inventory API, you can incorporate this wow moment right into an interactive sales presentation center. Video walls are becoming more popular and are a show-stopping way to put up images of the development within the showhome.

Use images of the view from different directions, and add it to your inventory database so that it matches each unit and its facing direction. When you or the prospect press the right button, the API will pull the correct images and put them up on the video wall! Alternatively, you can also project the view onto the wall, or use a smaller display to save on space.

An impressive display like this in your interactive sales center can be a great way to get stubborn or nervous prospects excited by the development. It gives them a visceral and immediate vision of what it will be like to live in a condo that could be theirs very soon.

The Future Presentation Center is Interactive

Interactivity is the new big thing in sales, across industries. The benefit of an interactive sales center is that your agents are able to capture prospects’ attention by demonstrating a more personalized experience of the showroom floor.

With an API that allows you to connect your inventory database with whatever tech you want to use to showcase it, your sales center can become as interactive as you like.

How have you done sales centers in the past?



Grace Cheung
Spark Blog

Another writer with a cat. Also digital & content for @SparkCRM