Product Highlights: Q1 2021 Edition

Abigail Gavin
Spark Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2021

Contract & Conveyancing Optimizations

At Spark, we kicked off this year by focusing primarily on contract and conveyancing related feature enhancements. We updated some existing features, extended others and released quite a few shiny new things too!

Providing a platform to clients in different markets can be tricky, but we build the system with enough flexibility to handle anything. Our thought process is that you should be able to add, edit and organize any of your data or processes within Spark to suit the ever changing life cycle of your project.

Scroll on for a summary of some of the releases Spark saw during Q1.

Additional Automated Contract Statuses

Updating the default contract stages in Spark was no small task, but there were triggers within the system that weren’t being used to their fullest. In short, we added the ability to automate the entire contract process from front to back. Start prepping a contract? We pull that unit from the pool of available units and throw it into a prepping stage. Contract sent to purchasers for signing? It’s Pending. And so on and so forth. The beauty here is that you are able to modify any of these stages to reflect your team’s internal language. Do you use “Contract Back” instead of “Firm”? No prob, update yourself via the Contract Settings and see it reflecting through the system and your reporting.

Commission Ordering Flexibility

The goal behind this update is to give greater flexibility when setting up Commission Templates. This optimization groups one-off commissions and important payment information into structures that administrators/conveyancers can target while pulling reports or auditing outstanding commissions within Spark.

Download Files via Contract List

No more individual downloads! After selecting the “Download Files” option via the Contract List’s micro-menu, simply select your desired contract files and access them through a secure link we send to your inbox for you and your eyes only. It’s as simple as that.

Awaiting Signatures Column

Wondering who you’re waiting on? Toggle on the Awaiting Signatures column via Contract List and hover over the name to get a sense of who is holding up a deal. Each contact type will be prefixed to provide an at-a-glance perspective of that contact’s relation to the contract.

Filter Contracts by Additional Dates

Leaning back into the flexibility of the system, we often see the need for one-off key dates that need to be added to a project. You’ve always been able to add additional dates, but this update allows you to treat them like default dates within the system. Meaning a couple of things: you can filter your contracts by them, pull reports on or add them to existing contract summary widgets and most importantly — trigger emails and notifications by them!

Company Project Filters

This small change makes a big difference. This filter organizes projects on the company dashboard by active first, then by project creation date descending (starting with most recent). This also sets you up for reporting across all active, inactive, or both on the company level.

