Product Highlights: Q3 2021 Edition

Dedicated to further fine-tuning the features that you not only know, but rely on.

Abigail Gavin
Spark Blog
5 min readOct 22, 2021


Another lively quarter of updates and improvements to Spark has flown by and we have already hit the ground running as we enter the next one. Our goal is always to deliver solutions to our clients’ evolving needs, below is an update on the advancements we have made to our platform over the past quarter and how you can best leverage them.

From July to September, our team of product experts focussed on creating and improving features around Scheduling and Follow-ups, Contracts & Custom Reports, Project Settings and Contacts. The value of time, particularly the weight it holds in real estate transactions, is something we deeply understand at Spark and the reason why our Q3 was dedicated to further fine-tuning the features that you not only know, but rely on.

Our hope is that the Administrators, Sales Reps, Managers, and Conveyancers of the New Development Real Estate world are as excited about the latest improvements we’ve made to Spark as we are.

Scheduling and Follow-Ups

API — Creating Upcoming Calendar Events

Spark’s users can now find peace of mind knowing that when a contact registers on a registration form, set by your web/app developer, an event will automatically be created and posted to the contact’s profile and Calendar section of Spark.

With this addition, end users have the ability to book meetings or tours with a Sales Rep on a specific project. Having this done through the API saves Sales Reps valuable time, typically during busy project launches, providing comfort knowing their calendar events are automatically synced inside Spark.

API — Auto Apply Follow Up Schedules

To further improve contact automation, we have opened up our API to auto apply follow up schedules after a contact registers for your project. Inside your API settings, you may choose what predetermined Follow Up Schedule can auto apply to that contact, streamlining the pathway to converting leads to sales.

Contracts & Custom Reports

Additional Information Added to Contract Overview

We have made a few small changes to Digital Contracts that will make a big difference.

The Contract Overview stat boxes are now a 2 row, 3 column layout to display the dollar amounts (and unit counts) for all contract statuses. This is especially helpful if you prefer a quick preview of where your inventory currently stands without having to navigate to reports.

Ability to CC Lawyers (and more) upon Contract Send

When buying a new home, we understand there’s more than just a buyer and seller involved to complete a transaction. Spark now has the capacity to carbon copy lawyers and lenders (and all other parties) when sending contract documents for signatures.

When sending contract documents for signatures, Spark users can select a toggle to send a copy of the selected files both immediately and when all parties complete the signing process, knowing that your purchaser’s lawyer will automatically receive important documents through every step or the home-buying process.

Project Settings

Restricted Inventory

Providing you with another level of control over your internal sales teams, we have introduced a new permission role to Team Settings.

The new Sales Rep — Restricted Inventory role permits managing assigned contacts, viewing inventory and corresponding details dictated by the project administrator. In other words, this role can do everything a Sales Rep — Assigned can as far as managing assigned contacts, but the administrator can determine inventory visibility by selecting the statuses viewable by that role.

Required Registration Source Toggle

Allowing for better data when a contact is manually created, administrators can now set Registration Source as required via Project Settings → Contacts → Registration Sources.

When toggled on, anyone who manually creates a contact in Spark must include a registration source prior to saving. This feature allows better data capture for your marketing teams and analysis.


Contact List View — Agent Brokerage Column Update

Updates have been made to a few Contact List toggle-able columns, relating to Contacts and their Agents.

  • ‘Brokerage’ is the Agent’s Brokerage.
  • ‘Agent Brokerage’ is the brokerage that contact’s assigned agent(s) are assigned to.

When assigning an Agent to a particular contact via their Contact Profile, we can now distinctively show the Agent’s brokerage association in the Contact list. This is beneficial to teams who wish to see if an agency is already established at a glance.

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