Optimizing Llama-2 with ONNX: A Leap Towards Efficient Large Language Models

Abdullah Mubeen
Published in
4 min readMay 29, 2024

In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence, the ability to optimize large language models (LLMs) for performance and efficiency is crucial. Enter Llama-2, a cutting-edge collection of pre-trained and fine-tuned LLMs ranging from 7 billion to 70 billion parameters. These models, particularly the Llama 2-Chat series, are designed for dialogue use cases and have demonstrated superior performance on various benchmarks. But the real game-changer is their integration with the Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) framework, supporting INT4 and INT8 quantization for CPUs. This integration not only enhances performance but also opens up new possibilities for deploying these models in resource-constrained environments.

In this article, we will explore the significance of Llama-2’s integration with ONNX, delve into the technical aspects of this integration, and provide practical insights into how you can leverage these advancements for your AI projects.

Overview of Llama-2

Llama-2 represents a significant advancement in the development of large language models (LLMs). Developed by Meta AI, Llama-2 includes a range of models from 7 billion to 70 billion parameters. These models are designed to perform various language tasks with high accuracy and efficiency. The fine-tuned versions, known as Llama 2-Chat, are specifically optimized for dialogue use cases, making them ideal for developing conversational AI applications.

Llama 2-Chat models outperform many open-source chat models on numerous benchmarks. They have been evaluated based on their helpfulness and safety in dialogue, positioning them as strong contenders against closed-source models. The fine-tuning process and safety improvements ensure that these models can be reliably used in practical applications.

Importance of ONNX Integration

The Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open-source format designed to facilitate the transfer of models between different machine learning frameworks. Integrating Llama-2 models with ONNX brings several advantages:

  • Interoperability: ONNX allows models to be trained in one framework and then deployed in another, providing flexibility in model development and deployment.
  • Optimization: ONNX supports various optimizations, including quantization, which can significantly improve model performance and reduce resource usage.
  • Scalability: ONNX makes it easier to scale models across different hardware platforms, from CPUs to GPUs, ensuring efficient use of available resources.

One of the most notable features of Llama-2’s integration with ONNX is the support for quantization in INT4 and INT8 for CPUs. This allows the models to run more efficiently, making them suitable for deployment in environments with limited computational resources.

Technical Implementation

Integrating Llama-2 with ONNX and leveraging its quantization capabilities is made straightforward with Spark NLP.

Below is a step-by-step guide and a code example to help you get started.

Set Up Document Assembler: The DocumentAssembler is the starting point of the NLP pipeline. It converts input text into a format that the Llama-2 model can process.

from sparknlp.base import DocumentAssembler

doc_assembler = DocumentAssembler() \
.setInputCol("text") \

Initialize Llama-2 Transformer: Load the pretrained Llama-2 model and configure it. You can set various parameters like the maximum output length and sampling behavior.

from sparknlp.annotator import LLAMA2Transformer

llama2 = LLAMA2Transformer \
.pretrained() \
.setMaxOutputLength(50) \
.setDoSample(False) \
.setInputCols(["documents"]) \

Configure Quantization: ONNX allows you to export and quantize the model. The options include:

  • 16-bit for CUDA only
  • 8-bit for CPU or CUDA
  • 4-bit for CPU or CUDA

Build the Pipeline: Combine the document assembler and the Llama-2 model into a pipeline.

from sparknlp import Pipeline

pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[doc_assembler,llama2 ])

Run the Pipeline: Process your data through the pipeline to generate outputs.

data = spark.createDataFrame([["This is a sample input text"]]).toDF("text")

result = pipeline.fit(data).transform(data)

Use Cases and Applications

Llama 2-Chat models, optimized for dialogue, have numerous applications across various industries. Some of the potential use cases include:

  • Customer Support: Develop chatbots that can handle customer inquiries efficiently and provide accurate information.
  • Virtual Assistants: Creating virtual assistants that can engage in natural and meaningful conversations with users.
  • Content Creation: Assisting in the generation of text content for marketing, social media, and other platforms.
  • Educational Tools: Building interactive educational tools that can provide tutoring and assistance in learning.

Performance and Efficiency

The integration of Llama-2 models with ONNX and the support for quantization have a significant impact on performance and efficiency.

Quantization reduces the model size and accelerates inference, making it feasible to deploy these models on devices with limited computational power. Here are some performance metrics highlighting the improvements:

  • Reduced Model Size: Quantization can reduce the model size by up to 75%, allowing for more efficient storage and faster loading times.
  • Faster Inference: Quantized models can achieve up to a 4x speedup in inference times, enabling real-time applications.
  • Lower Power Consumption: Running quantized models on CPUs reduces power consumption, which is crucial for battery-powered devices.

Future Developments

The LLAMA2Transformer annotator will continue to be improved, with plans to support additional models and further optimize performance.

Future updates may include:

  • Extended Model Support: Integration of more models from the Llama-2 family and other architectures.
  • Broader Hardware Compatibility: Expanding support for various hardware platforms to maximize deployment flexibility.


The integration of Llama-2 models with ONNX marks a significant milestone in developing and deploying large language models. By leveraging quantization techniques, these models achieve remarkable performance and efficiency gains, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. As the AI community continues to build on this work, we can expect even more innovative solutions and improvements in the future. Experiment with this integration and contribute to the responsible development of LLMs to unlock their full potential.

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