Spark-NLP for Healthcare in AWS EMR

Erdal GENÇ
4 min readMar 3, 2022


In this article, we explain how to setup Spark-NLP + Spark-NLP Healthcare in AWS EMR, using the AWS console. This configuration is already ready-to-use for EMR Notebooks. Original instructions are taken from this repo.

1. Software and Steps

You must go to the blue button “Create Cluster” on the UI. By doing that you will get directed to the “Create Cluster — Quick Options” page. Don’t use the quick options, click on “Go to advanced options” instead.

Now in Advanced Options, please pick the following selection in the checkboxes,

Also in the Edit Software Settings section, enter the following for configurations:

“Classification”: “spark-env”,
“Configurations”: [{
“Classification”: “export”,
“Properties”: {
“PYSPARK_PYTHON”: “/usr/bin/python3”,
“Classification”: “spark-defaults”,
“Properties”: {
“spark.yarn.stagingDir”: “hdfs:///tmp”,
“spark.yarn.preserve.staging.files”: “true”,
“spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max”: “2000M”,
“spark.serializer”: “org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer”,
“spark.driver.maxResultSize”: “0”,
“spark.driver.memory”: “32G”

Important: Make sure that you replace all the secret information(marked here as XYXYXYXYXY) by the appropriate values that you received with your license. If you are having issues with the license, please contact JSL team at

2. Hardware

Please choose the hardware and networking configuration you prefer, or just pick the defaults.

Important: Keep in mind that there should be only one master node if you want to use EMR Notebooks. However, cluster can be scaled with additional slave nodes — which can be modified under Cluster Nodes and Instances section.

Please set EBS Volume to 50 GiB and move to next step by clicking the “Next” blue button.

3. General Cluster Settings

Here is where you name your cluster, and you can change the location of the cluster logs. If the location of the logs is OK for you, take note of the path so you can debug potential problems by using the logs.

Under Tags section, please add a KEY: VALUE pair with for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies true

Go to the bottom of the page, and expand the Bootstrap Actions tab. We’re gonna add an action to execute during bootstrap of the cluster. Select Custom Action, then press on Configure and add. You need to provide a path to a script on S3. The path needs to be public. Keep this in mind, no secret information can be contained there.
The script we’ll used for this setup is contained in the same folder this tutorial is located on Github.

This script will install Spark-NLP 3.4.0, and Spark-NLP Healthcare 3.4.0. You’ll have to edit the script if you need different versions.
After you entered the route to S3 in which you place the file, and before clicking “add” in the dialog box, you must pass an additional parameter containing the SECRET value you received with your license. Just paste the secret on the “Optional arguments” field in that dialog box.

4. Security

After selecting a EC2 key pair — to connect the master node with SSH, please select default roles and create the cluster.

5. Create an EMR Notebook

Please start a notebook server, connect it to the cluster you just created(be patient, it takes a while), and test with the `NLP_EMR_Setup.ipynb` that we provide in this folder.

In order to use and write files to hdfs:/// without limitations, we need to grant sudo rights for livy user after SSHing to master node.

To connect master node:
~$ ssh -i <EC2 key pair>.pem hadoop@<host>.ec2

Please grant access when logged in via:
emr-cluster@xxx:~$ sudo usermod -a -G hdfsadmingroup livy

6. Any Doubt?

Write us to

