Legazpi City as home to CLICkCONEx 2023

Discover how Legazpi City became the epicenter of ICT innovation at CLICkCONEx 2023 with an inside look at SparkLearn’s instrumental role in its success, from collaborating with the organizers to the main event itself.

Venus Baranquel
SparkLearn EdTech
12 min readSep 5, 2023


At the esteemed Legazpi City Convention Center, an electrifying event unfolded on August 24–25, 2023, in the heart of Legazpi City. This event was the Convergence of Luzon ICT Champions Conference and Exhibitions (CLICkCONEx) 2023. Assembled annually to catalyze the growth of rural ICT development in our nation, this year’s CLICkCONEx drew 250 participants — a diverse audience encompassing government representatives, industry sectors, teachers, students, and ICT enthusiasts.

Among the notable contributors to this gathering of tech minds, SparkLearn emerged as a prominent participant, leaving an indelible mark on the event’s landscape. Their involvement extended from the meticulous planning that laid the event’s foundation to their influential presence during the main event.

About CLICkCONEx 2023 and its MAGIC

Hosted by the City Government of Legazpi, CLICkCONEx 2023 was made possible through the efforts of the National ICT Confederation of the Philippines (NICP), Department of Information Communication and Technology (DICT), and the Convergence of Luzon ICT Champions (CLICk) in cooperation with the Legazpi City IT & Electronic Commerce Council (LCITECC) and Albay ICT Association (AICTA), and the partnership of Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA) and other stakeholders in government and private sectors.

A profound transformation has taken root amidst the serene embrace of this rural landscape. CLICkCONEx 2023’s theme, “Igniting Countryside Digital Economy through MAGIC,” became not just a vision but now a reality. It’s a testament to what can be achieved when rural areas are no longer on the periphery but have become thriving epicenters of a digital revolution.

This two-day conference, grounded in the principles of MAGIC, sought to dissolve the digital divide by harnessing rural strengths and addressing their unique challenges. Through this lens, the participants explored the immense potential that has defined this successful transformation.

Modernization: This concept redefines the rural narrative by integrating cutting-edge technological tools and methods.

Access: It encompasses the mission to ensure that every individual, business, and institution in the countryside enjoys seamless access to digital tools, platforms, and the internet.

Governance: This pillar involves constructing a framework of trust, ethical standards, and locally-led regulatory mechanisms.

Innovation: It calls upon countryside entrepreneurs to transcend traditional business models and instead innovate for the global market.

Connection: Building on the community-oriented ethos of rural areas, this component emphasizes forging connections through information communication and technology.

Participants enter the event hall. (Photo from SparkPoint)

The Tapestry of Topics, Talks, and Sessions

CLICkCONEx 2023 was not merely a gathering; it was an intellectual symphony where experts, thought leaders and tech enthusiasts converged to explore the ever-evolving world of information and communication technology. From cutting-edge discussions on modernization to deep dives into governance and captivating insights on innovation, each session was a thread weaving together a comprehensive narrative of the digital future.

Day 1

On the opening of the CLICkCONEx 2023, the stage was set ablaze with a flurry of enlightening presentations and pivotal messages delivered by esteemed government organizations and influential industry players. Day 1 witnessed a convergence of minds, where insights and visions were exchanged, shaping the conference’s foundation with wisdom and ambition.

Legazpi City Mayor Carmen Geraldine Rosal and the participants of the conference. (Photos from Fernando “Didi” Cabredo and HONU)

Messages from Hon. Carmen Geraldine Rosal, Mayor of Legazpi City; and Hon. Edcel Greco Alexandre Lagman, the Governor of the province of Albay, officially started the conference. Then, as the Conference Chair of the CLICkCONEx 2023, President of AICTA, and Co-Chair of the LCITECC, Ms. Rosemarie Quinto-Rey shared the “CLICkCONEx2023 Overview.”

Dr. Mary Joy Abueg, the President of NICP; Mr. Dindo Nabol, OIC Regional Director of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) RO5; and Atty. Arnaldo Escober Jr., CESO V, the Regional Director of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) RO5, expressed their messages of support.

A photo of Dir. Emmy Lou Delfin, Hon. Fernando Cabredo, Ms. Rosemarie Quinto-Rey, Dir. Amelia Dean and Dr. Mary Joy Abueg (from left to right). Photo courtesy: Fernando “Didi” Cabredo

As a keynote address, the “Legislative Agenda: Nurturing Growth of ICT in the Countryside” was shared by Hon. Fernando Cabredo, Representative of the 3rd District of Albay and Vice Chairperson of the House Committee on Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Atty. Ivan John Uy, the DICT Secretary and Atty. Jocelle Batapa-Sigue, its Undersecretary for ICT Industry Development, offered their messages as the organization’s key officials. Atty. Sigue continued and discussed “Bridging the Digital Divide to Boost Jobs Generation in Luzon.”

The first day also had the first of the many plenary talks and sessions of the conference. Ms. Maria Victoria Castro, Director IV of the National ICT Planning, Policy and Standards Bureau of DICT, led the first plenary talk and spoke about the “NICT Development Agenda & Plan 2023–2028 and Digital Government Masterplan.”

The panelists and moderator of CLICkCONEx 2023’s first session and open forum. (Photos from the Philippine Information Agency Region 5 and the Philippine Software Industry Association)

This talk is followed by the first session focusing on the “IT-BPM ROADMAP: Accelerating Growth in the Countryside through Stronger Partnerships.” Ms. Celeste Ilagan, the Chief Policy & Regulatory Affairs Officer of the IT & Business Process Association of the Philippines, shared the “IT-BPM Industry Report and Roadmap Updates.” Dir. Emmy Lou Delfin from the ICT Industry Development Bureau of DICT followed with her “Digital Cities Presentation and Updates.”

A panel discussion and open forum took place as part of the session. Ms. Ilagan and Dir. Delfin was joined by Mr. Michael Tiu Lim, the Vice President of NICP; OIC Regional Director Dindo Nabol of DTI-RO5; Mr. Carlos Ante, Legazpi City’s Administrator; and Ms. Rosemarie Quinto-Rey as the President of Southern Luzon Technological College Foundation, Inc. Mr. Jonathan De Luzuriaga, the President of PSIA and SpringValleyTech moderated this discussion.

The second plenary talk showcased “Harnessing ICT for Sustainable Agri” by Hon. Wilbert Lee, the Agri Partylist Representative. Atty. Benjamin Abalos, Jr., the DILG Secretary, presented “Enhancing Local Government to Digital Governance Excellence” for the third talk.

Ms. Joie Cruz of Limitless Lab during her presentation for their session. (Photos from Carlo P Valencia)

The last session for Day 1 tackled Digital Governance, “Digitalization: Transcending Limits in the Delivery of Quality Public Services.” Ms. Anna Liza Bonagua, CESO III, the Director of the Bureau of Local Government Development in DILG, presented the “Ease of Doing Business (EODB) Report.” Dir. June Vincent Manuel Gaudan, OIC of the Government Digital Transformation Bureau of DICT, showcased “eGov PH — Elevating Convenience to Government Experience.”

Also in this session, the former Mayor of Legazpi City, Engr. Noel Rosal shared the city’s achievement on “DGA Winner: Online Payment Portal for Real Property and Business Taxes.” Ms. Joie Cruz, Founder and CEO of Limitless Lab, followed with “Unlocking Potential: How LGUs Can Cultivate a Culture of Innovation.” Ms. Teresita Leabres, Convenor of Cavite ICT Council and a NICP Trustee moderated this session’s panel discussion and open forum.

An entertaining night was offered during the Mayor’s Night to cap off Day 1 of the conference. (Photos from Legazpi City Tourism)

Mr. Arrish Altavano, the Executive Director of AICTA and a NICP Trustee, shared the “Day 1 Synthesis.” CLICkCONEx 2023’s Day 1 ended through the Mayor’s Night, wherein the participants enjoyed themselves and continued to build up their network and connect.

Day 2

As the sun rose on the second day of CLICkCONEx 2023, the momentum from the remarkable first day only intensified. Day 2 turned the spotlight firmly towards the technology workforce and emerging technologies. Attendees delved deep into discussions on AI, blockchain, data analytics, and other transformative innovations.

Women from different sectors participated in the DIWA discussion during the second day of CLICkCONEx 2023. (Photo from Digital Innovation for Women Advancement — DIWA)

DICT’s Office of the Undersecretary for the ICT Industry conducted a special session for the Digital Innovation for Women Advancement (DIWA). Dynamic women leaders in the digital sector gathered for a discussion, unveiling key insights.

Creating tailored online platforms, skill development resources, and supportive networks for women to harness technology’s potential for self-driven advancement and the importance of integrating ICT tools into seminars and training to fully equip women for the digital age, as well as the need to prioritize connectivity in underserved areas were raised during the session.

Mr. Joey Gurango of Xurpas Inc. during his plenary talk. (Photo from Coach Joey Gurango)

To officially begin the second and last day of the conference, Mr. Efren Daniel De Leon, President of the Bicol ICT Council, shared the “Recap of Day 1.” Mr. Joey Gurango, the CEO of Xurpas Inc. and Chairman of Capiz ICT Council, proceeded with the fourth plenary talk delving into “AI: Killer or Creator of Jobs?”

The fifth plenary talk of the conference was about “The National Innovation Agenda” given by Mr. Monchito Ibrahim, Executive Member of the National Innovation Council and Vice-President of the Analytics and AI Association of the Philippines.

PSIA Director Allan Tan presents at the first PSIA’s Tour De Tech session. (Photo from Philippine Software Industry Association)

PSIA also conducted the first leg of their Tour De Tech at CLICkCONEx 2023, ushering in a tech revolution beyond urban hubs. With advocacy roadshows, upskilling programs, and a passion for software development, PSIA continues to light the path for the countryside’s digital economy, creating opportunities for students, academics, and businesses.

“TALENT DEVELOPMENT: Boosting the Quality of Local ICT Talents” was the theme of PSIA’s first session. Hon. Sherwin Gatchalian, Senator of the Republic of the Philippines and Commissioner of The Second Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM2) tackled “The Philippine Digital Workforce Competitiveness Addressing the Demands of the Future.” Mr. Allan Tan, Managing Director of Monstarlab, Inc., and Director of PSIA, continued on this topic.

For this session, the panel discussion and open forum included Mr. Joey Gurango of Xurpas Inc.; Mr. Monchito Ibrahim of Analytics and AI Association of the Philippines; Dr. Agnes Trillanes-Reyes, Dean of College of Computer Studies at the University of Nueva Caceres; and Mr. Joel Navarro, Regional Operations Division Chief of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) — Bicol. Their moderator was Dr. Antonio Del Carmen, the President of LINK-IT.

Photos from PSIA’s Tour De Tech session about “REVOLUTIONIZING THE WORLD OF WORK: Exploring the Gig and Digital Economy.” (Courtesy of Carl André Boniel Bongalos, John Thomas Garcia, and DEVCON Philippines)

PSIA’s Tour De Tech continued with the next session of “REVOLUTIONIZING THE WORLD OF WORK: Exploring the Gig and Digital Economy.” Mr. Jhonny Paul Lagura, Legazpi City Consultant for ICT and Former NICP Trustee, shared the “Overview of the Gig and Digital Economy.” PSIA President Jonathan De Luzuriaga discussed “The Future of Work in the Countryside,” and “Creating Vibrant Communities of Software Developers” was looked into by Mr. Dom De Leon, MSIB, CDM, the Managing Director of DEVCON Philippines.

For the panel discussion and open forum, this session’s panelists were joined by Engr. Paulo Honrado, the President of JMH IT Solutions Inc. and Rural Bank of Guinobatan, Inc.; and Mr. Karl Vasquez, the Owner and Founder of BNCEBACK. Mr. Carl Andre Bongalos, an AICTA Trustee, moderated this discussion.

The conference’s last session had experts on the different emerging technologies. (Photos from HONU and Joey Sarte Salceda)

The last session of the conference and the PSIA’s Tour De Tech looked into “REDEFINING TOMORROW: Insights into Emerging Technologies.” Ms. Frei Sangil, Founder and CEO of LAYERTech Software Labs, discussed “Data Analytics.” The Co-Founder & CTO of Safe Midman App, Ms. Armielyn Obinguar, shared about the “Human-Centered AI: Road to XAI in Generative Developments.”

The “Practical Blockchain Use Cases Across Different Sectors” was also shared during this session by Ms. Melissa Mesias, Co-Founder and CEO of SparkLearn EdTech. Mr. Ismael Jerusalem, the Founder and CEO of Ownly, spoke about “Digital Ownership and Utilities in Business.” ICP.Hub Philippines’ Co-Founder, Mr. Nelson Lumbres, discussed “Understanding the Internet Computer Protocol and Its Real-World Use Cases.” Mr. Bryan Joseph Banzon, the President of the Bataan ICT Development Council, moderated this session’s panel discussion and open forum.

Hon. Joey Salceda joins the CLICkCONEx 2023’s participants during its last day. (Photos from Zha Alcantara and Joey Sarte Salceda)

Hon. Jose Maria Clemente “Joey” Salceda, the Congressional Representative of the 2nd District of Albay, also shared about the existence of artificial intelligence during his keynote address about “Reinvigorating Jobs Creation, Digitalization, Economic and Social Transformation.”

To officially end CLICkCONEx 2023, Dir. Amelia Dean, the DICT Regional Office V’s Regional Director, shared her closing remarks. After the official program ended, a Governor’s Night occurred in the Governor’s Mansion where a General Membership Meeting led by NICP happened.

The participants of the Governor’s Night, the last activity of the CLICkCONEx 2023 in Legazpi City. (Photos from Governor Edcel “Grex” Lagman and John Thomas Garcia)

This meeting facilitated the exchange of invaluable insights and strategies amongst ICT councils across Luzon. There was a sharing of best practices, where ICT councils demonstrated their exceptional initiatives in harnessing technology to empower local communities. The participants also delved into the vital programs introduced by DICT aimed at bolstering ICT councils and local government units (LGUs).

DICT programs shared during this meeting include the Roadmapping for Digital Cities, Institutional Development (InDev), and other capability-building programs illuminating the path toward fostering digital excellence, institutional growth, and skill empowerment. Dir. Emmy Lou Delfin of DICT also led the induction ceremony of the officers and board members of AICTA.

This day saw the building of bridges between different ICT organizations, forging new connections and collaborative pathways that promise to shape the digital landscape for years to come. Day 2 wasn’t just the last day of the conference; it was the amplification of excellence, a testament to the power of ICT in driving progress.

SparkLearn in the Success of CLICkCONEx 2023

SparkLearn, a prominent name in technology and education, helped make CLICkCONEx 2023 an unqualified triumph. Their multifaceted contribution began with their involvement in the meticulous planning and organization of the event itself. Their expertise in orchestrating tech-driven events ensured that CLICkCONEx 2023 ran seamlessly, leaving the participants and organizers with a sense of achievement.

Ms. Melissa Mesias, SparkLearn’s CEO, shared her thoughts about this process.

SparkLearn is one of the private sector collaborators of this event. We were able to help in organizing the event through contributions like polishing the event theme in making the academe, government, and industry collaborate. We made sure that most of these sectors are well-represented. We invited subject matter experts from IT-BPM, software development, and emerging technologies like data analytics, AI, and blockchain technology.

SparkLearn team’s ability to work harmoniously with both government entities and private sector organizations was a testament to their commitment to driving progress. The synergy that emerged from these collaborations was instrumental in shaping CLICkCONEx 2023 into an event that transcended expectations.

Ms. Melissa Mesias of SparkLearn discusses blockchain technology during her talk. (Photo from HONU)

However, SparkLearn’s role extended far beyond the logistical aspects. Their CEO also took the stage as a speaker, igniting the minds of attendees with insights and vision for the digital future. This session was enlightening, thought-provoking, and inspiring for all who attended. Moreover, Ms. Mesias continued to enrich the discourse during the panel discussion with her unique perspective on technology, education, and the digital landscape.

We tackled the usage of blockchain technology in government use cases. We encouraged the attendees, especially the representatives of government offices, to check out blockchain to promote transparency and trust in issues of applications of our government.

She also added that CLICkCONEx is an excellent avenue for every key player in the technology sector to meet and brainstorm with others because some individuals still don’t know and believe in the other use cases of blockchain technology aside from crypto. Many myths and misconceptions were debunked during the event.

Having events like CLICkCONEx results in actions or ideas that these technologies can work together and may be used for applications that can help the countryside development or the Philippines in general.

SparkLearn members with their co-exhibitor, SparkTech.Dev, and some conference participants. (Photos from SparkPoint)

As one of the exhibitors at CLICkCONEx 2023, SparkLearn seized the opportunity to introduce its booth’s visitors to the exciting world of blockchain technology. This event provided a platform to expose their brand to the community and contribute to a larger narrative of technological progress and educational empowerment. This holistic approach to participation not only benefits the organization but also contributes to the overall growth and advancement of the digital ecosystem.

“We brought a perspective from the industry, especially the one in line with educational technology. Aside from that, we would like to highlight SparkLearn coming from Albay’s grassroots sector, making us a better collaborator for this event. Since the whole conference itself is organized for the benefit of ICT countryside development, the best fit for this role is those from the countryside,” Ms. Mesias concluded.

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