SparkLearn and DTI-Albay partner to promote Technopreneurship

A step towards building a more resilient and innovative economy.

Venus Baranquel
SparkLearn EdTech
3 min readAug 2, 2023


The “Digital Transformation and Resilience: Embracing Technopreneurship in the Digital Economy” seminar, jointly organized by SparkLearn and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) — Albay, marked a significant step towards fostering a dynamic ecosystem of technopreneurs in the region. The seminar was held on July 28, 2023, at the DTI-Albay Provincial Office.

Students, business owners, startup founders, and government employees attended this event, showing the growing interest and recognition of technopreneurship as a driving force in shaping the future of businesses and industries.

SparkLearn’s CEO, Melissa Mesias, discussing technopreneurship during the seminar.

With the event’s core focus on educating and empowering attendees on the essentials of technopreneurship, the seminar aimed to impart valuable insights and skills needed to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Melissa Mesias, the CEO of SparkLearn, emphasized the profound impact of technopreneurship in the digital economy and its significance in building resilient businesses. She emphasized that SparkLearn’s commitment to fostering a digital learning ecosystem aligns seamlessly with the spirit of technopreneurship, empowering learners to stay at the forefront of innovation and seize new opportunities.

“Technopreneurship is the key to success in the digital economy. In a world where technology is constantly changing, businesses that can embrace technology and innovation will be the ones that succeed. SparkLearn’s vision on education, upskilling, and digitalization perfectly aligns with this. We believe that everyone has the potential to be a technopreneur, and we are committed to providing the resources and training they need to succeed.”

Melissa Mesias interacting with a participant for the seminar’s icebreaker.

Throughout the engaging seminar, Mesias delved into essential aspects of technopreneurship, including “The Fundamentals of Technopreneurship,” “Business Models in Technopreneurship,” “Funding Strategies for Technopreneurs,” and an exploration of “Challenges and Trends” in the digital entrepreneurship space.

The seminar served as a comprehensive platform for participants to deepen their understanding of technopreneurship and its transformative potential in the digital economy. The event prepared the attendees to embark on their journey as aspiring technopreneurs equipped to navigate challenges and seize opportunities in the dynamic world of digital entrepreneurship.

The DTI-Albay representatives award a certificate of appreciation to Melissa Mesias.

The partnership between SparkLearn and DTI-Albay was a natural fit, as both organizations are committed to promoting technopreneurship and digitalization in the Philippines.

The seminar was part of National MSME Month which is celebrated every July. With the theme, “Upgrade, Upskill, and Upsize MSMEs,” this year’s celebration underscores the crucial importance of empowering the micro, small, and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) sector by elevating their capabilities, enhancing their skills, and expanding their operations to thrive in a rapidly evolving business landscape. DTI also celebrates its 42nd anniversary this month.

Representatives of SparkLearn and DTI-Albay pose with the seminar’s participants.

The “Digital Transformation and Resilience: Embracing Technopreneurship in the Digital Economy” seminar proved to be a resounding success, nurturing a community of forward-thinking technopreneurs poised to embrace the challenges and opportunities in the digital landscape.

As the region continues to embrace digital transformation, SparkLearn remains committed to empowering individuals and businesses with the digital skills and knowledge needed to thrive in this new era of technopreneurship.

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