Web3 Philippines adopts SparkLearn EdTech’s “Into The Blockchain” series in its community library

It’s time to get your FREE community pass NFT!

Venus Baranquel
SparkLearn EdTech
2 min readNov 23, 2022


To help Filipinos build in web3 space, Web3 Philippines continues to make web3 education accessible to the community. The organization proactively curates trusted resources for its community members’ convenience.

SparkLearn EdTech, an active partner of Web3 Philippines, seized the opportunity to be part of this plan and offered their “Into the Blockchain” series in this library of web3 education.

The “Into The Blockchain” series explains the meaning of terms used in the blockchain or web3 space. It strives to help beginners as they onboard on the idea of blockchain technology. These videos are also available on SparkLearn’s YouTube channel.

Web3 Philippines’ newest community platform

To effectively manage its growing community, Web3 Philippines prepared a home for its members in Nas.io. The member portal will let everyone see what’s happening in the community and explore upcoming events and the content library. This platform also promotes connection and interaction with every member.


A free community pass NFT must be acquired to access and join this community. These tokens run on the Polygon network and are non-tradable and non-transferable. As a blockchain-related company, this effort is potent in utilizing non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Sneak peek of what to come

Since Web3 Philippines continuously uploads more resources to the community library, the free courses on SparkLearn’s MOOC may also be added to the Nas.io platform so the members can easily access them.

As to the NFT pass, possible projects of SparkLearn with Web3 Philippines may let holders avail discounts on some paid content or upcoming events.

SparkLearn and Web3 Philippines works on web3 adoption through education, and it is best to be updated on the happenings with these firms.

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