Word Prompts Help Creativity ~ Medium Edition 1

A single-word prompt to inspire creativity

Brenda Arledge
SparkleCity Magic


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Word Prompts Help Creativity ~ Medium Edition 1 is an article I wrote to help inspire creativity.
I choose a single-word prompt to encourage others to write a poem, a short story, a song, or any combination.

Resolutions & When to Make Them

Every year, the world is in suspense about a little groundhog trying to guess whether he’ll see his shadow or not. If he sees his shadow then there is 6 more weeks of Winter, but if nothing appears then we can expect an early spring just around the corner.
A friend of mine on J.K.Hammond, on Medium, wrote an article "Now Is the Time to Make Our Ground Hog Resolutions" which introduces us to a whole new idea.

He talks about putting those New Year’s Eve resolutions on hold and waiting until…



Brenda Arledge
SparkleCity Magic

My passion is poetry. My muse is sparked by emotion & observation. The world is a giant canvas. It waits on us to paint the detail with our words. (HI writer)