Tech and Analytics for Indonesian Businesses

Published in
5 min readDec 16, 2020

As an Indonesian, you must already know that Indonesia is a hot market for internet businesses. Indonesia is “the largest and fastest growing E-Commerce market in Southeast Asia” with US$12B E-Commerce market in 2018 and 94% compounded annual growth rate between 2015 to 2018. The internet plays a role in the daily routines of many Indonesians, inside and outside of the big cities.

Image source:

People go online to purchase household or electronic goods, watch beauty tutorials, play online games, get online consultations with certified doctors and do online research on personal loan options. As city dwellers get distressed by the notorious car traffic congestion, apps such as Gojek can be the option to order food delivery, send a gift to a friend who lives 10km away, send a cleaner or massage therapist to home, and order motorcycle taxi to slip through the lines of jammed cars. Furthermore, the rapid growth of the ecommerce market and the rise of digital payments could transform Indonesia into a cashless/cardless economy.

In 2020, 37% of all digital service consumers in Indonesia are new to the service due to COVID-19 home quarantine and 93% of those new consumers intend to continue using digital services going forward (source).

Research shows that online users in Indonesia want a seamless experience and that 53% of Indonesians would leave a website if the page takes less than 3 seconds to load. Online shoppers also show high levels of curiosity and demand. For example, searches about “fast delivery” and “promo” continued to increase 1.4x and 2.5x respectively (source).

The high demand for personalised and seamless online experience should not be taken lightly. Hence, 97% of Indonesian executives agree on the “importance of the relationship between tech and human experience”. But how can an online business know if it delivers enough seamless experience? How can you know if the speed or certain features cause distractions and make your visitors leave your website? Analytic tools can provide detailed information, including but not limited to how visitors arrive at the website or application, visitors’ locations and visitors’ behaviours on the website or application.

What is analytics?

Analytics involves discovery of meaningful data patterns towards effective business decision making. Analytics help understand web/app visitors’ demographics and behaviours. By having that information, businesses can target online ads to desired audiences and make UI/UX improvements. Such knowledge gathering and execution can be done rapidly from your analytics tools such as Google Analytics.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics (GA) is a web analytics service that can track the traffic, ads ROI and overall performance of your website/app. GA offers details about your web/app visitors such as number of visits within a period of time, users’ average time spent on the website, and devices used to visit your platform. You can gain a lot more details with GA, except your users’ personal identifiable information.


By 2020, GA is used by over 29 million individuals, small businesses, and large corporations around the world. Among those GA users are our Indonesia-based clients that have a strong online presence in the country.

GA requires proper setup and maintenance in order to give information and detail according to the business needs. If utilised properly, GA can help answer your business and marketing questions such as:

  • Who are my online customers?
  • What do they do exactly on my platform?
  • How much revenue does my ecommerce make?
  • Did my search paid ads lead to any conversion? Or should I stick to SEO?

Sparkline’s experience with Indonesian businesses

Since its formation in 2013, Sparkline empowers international companies to develop approaches to digital analytics. Sparkline is located in Singapore and is made up of a diverse team of experts who can speak English, Bahasa Indonesia, Mandarin and many other languages. Indonesia is certainly not a new culture to Sparkline as we have been working closely with Indonesian ecommerce and media companies to develop and strategize analytic tools and methodologies that can cater to their business objectives.

Our recent experience involves working with an Indonesian news company that was aiming to gain insights into its Android app users. We helped implement the Android app property to Firebase. Therefore, our client could link the property to GA for user analysis and eventually improve user engagement, user retention, and ad fill rate.

Image: Google Analytics for Firebase, from

During the “Hygiene Project”, not only we helped our Indonesian client to add Firebase to their Android app, we also helped the client’s team of analysis to define their marketing KPIs and Events and User Properties that should be tracked. Then we worked very closely with the client’s developers to implement tracking codes that capture desired information from app visitors.

Events such as page visits, page scroll depth, coupon redemption were captured. By assisting our client to identify each user with a unique User ID, our client would be able to analyse and segment users according to their behaviours such as how often they visit or interact with the app and when they perform purchase activities. If done properly, these data enrichment and analyses could certainly identify areas of improvement and eventually empower our client according to their business objectives.

Image: “Behavioural Segmentation” is one of the many types of analysis that could be done after completion of the “Hygiene Project”,

Sparkline aims to provide data accuracy, comprehension and consolidation, and most importantly, tangible insights for businesses. Get in touch if you’d like to learn more.




Indonesian living in Singapore. Analytics integration enthusiast