Visualizing Google Analytics Scopes

Chris Vu
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2019

Scope is one of the most easily misunderstood aspects of Google Analytics. Many articles explain scopes using diagrams like this:

Which in my opinion could confuse people even more.

So I’d like to present a different take in visualizing scopes - by using a spreadsheet. Everybody is familiar with a spreadsheet format:


In Google Analytics, you can visualize the spreadsheet as such:

Example of a browsing session, using just the hit-scoped Page dimension:

Ok so what about session-scoped dimensions? Here’s the visualizing trick, let’s introduce the session-scoped Landing Page:

Ah-ha! As you can see, session-scope value applies to all the “records” of the spreadsheet. If the user continues to navigate to a few more pages, the spreadsheet will look like this:

Ok what if you change the value of a session-scoped dimension? Let’s introduce a User Classification session-scoped custom dimension and go through a few examples. Let’s start off with empty value:

On the next hit, if you set value “A” to User Classification, it becomes:

On the next hit, if you set it to value “B”, it becomes:

In essence, session-scoped value applies to all the records in the same session.

Finally, when a new session starts (eg. user opens the website page again the next day):

That is, changes to session-scoped dimensions do not affect past sessions.

I hope this visualization technique is helpful for you. In future articles, I will touch on User scope (which is just a sticky version of session scope) and Product scope. I will also share some solution design consideration for session-scoped dimensions.

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Chris Vu

How did my life bring me to this point being a technical consultant in digital analytics and optimization, I have no idea…