Book Review


Joe Yang Children’s Book Author/Illustrator in his book Ninja Seals! Book 2-Metal Menace takes us on an action packed, fast paced ride through a story featuring two seals Alx and Scooter. The two of them like to dress up as ninjas in the night, save other seals from danger and also fight crimes.

In this book they are on a rare break from being ninjas and are building a rocket. Much to their surprise a cyborg sea lion steps in to their work space and creates havoc. Things get worse, when the cyborg accidentally sets off the rocket launch sequence. They must stop it right away as the rocket monitoring system points out that the rocket will land on grandpa Charlie’s property. But it is impossible to stop the launch with the cyborg around. Their expert ninja fighting skills are not helping this time. They must find a way to get rid of the cyborg and stop the rocket launch before it is too late.

Filled with unexpected twists and turns, the reader would be on the edge wanting to know what would happen next. The illustrations are simple and appropriate keeping the focus on the story. It is perfect for children who are at the ‘I Can Read’ level but are reluctant to read. Children who like heroic characters who make mistakes but are brave enough to find a way to get out of trouble, will definitely love this book.

I found the ending a little long winding, but otherwise a great read.

Note: I was given a free copy of this book for an honest review.

