A few thoughts on freelancing: for the new, old and everything in between…

Austin Mann
Sparks Fly
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2016

For the new:

1) Do what you want to do.
Don’t just say what you want to do, do what you want to do. Pros become pros because they are constantly out there trying to do what they want to do.

2) Don’t undercut yourself (or the industry.)
Charge more. Every time you do a job for free or pennies, you undermine the industry veterans who have been working hard to build a viable business for years.

3) Talk to people and ask questions.
Ask tons and tons of questions. You’ll have to learn some lessons the hard way but the the people around you are jam-packed with knowledge & helpful stories and they’re generally open to sharing.

4) Be helpful.
People often ask me how to get connected to clients they want to work with and my answer is to start by being helpful. If you are helpful to them or the industry, people will want to connect you to others and better yet, your dream client may just reach out to you.

For the old-timers:

1) Listen to and observe the new folks.
Their questions might help you better understand who you are and how they do what do what they do could shift the way you think about your craft.

2) Help somebody get started.
Give somebody a helpful tip or completely take someone under your wing. You could change their life forever and you might be surprised how much their new passion & ideas will transform you.

3) Never stop learning.
You don’t have all the answers. If you’re open, you can learn something from next generation.

4) Don’t be afraid of change.
Just because it has always worked in the past doesn’t mean it always will. Find a new teammate, try a new technique, explore a new idea.… you could discover something wonderfully new.

and for all of us:

Be yourself.

No matter where you are in your career, own who you are right now. If you’re new, own it. If your old, own it. The worst thing you can do is try to be something you aren’t… there’s no one else in the world like you and the more you embrace it the more valuable you’ll be in the world.



Austin Mann
Sparks Fly

Travel photographer & tech geek. Founded @WELD because I believe we were made to create together.