The Effective and Simple Post-It Note for Productivity

The simplest productivity hack is probably within your reach right now.

B. Morey Stockwell, PhD
Sparks Publication


Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

It’s the beginning of February, and I’m sure the sale of calendars and planners has tapered off significantly from the end of last year and even the first of the month this year. But while I value structuring and planning my day, my week, and my month, I often struggle using a planner and, more specifically, optimizing the tools a sophisticated planner offers.

Instead, I find a very effective and cost-effective tool for keeping me on track: the simple Post-it note.

Here’s my story and why I continue to go back to those little yellow pieces of paper instead of a new device or Smartphone app.

It happened again this morning; when I reached my office at Fitchburg State, I couldn’t decide what vital task to tackle next. My school obligations include grading students’ papers, updating the course Blackboards, and planning out upcoming assignments. But I also need to handle tasks for the Claflin Hill Symphony Orchestra. In this nonprofit, I serve as the development director and PR specialist. At the same time, I also wanting to spend time promoting my own writing, specifically finding a publisher for my speculative fiction novel.



B. Morey Stockwell, PhD
Sparks Publication

I’m a writer who writes about writing… and other topics that bring me joy. Find tips and strategies to enhance your creativity at