
sparks & honey
sparks & honey
Published in
1 min readOct 24, 2017

Naming the unnamed in culture

Source: Giphy

Every day at our Daily Culture Briefing, we discuss, debate and comment on culture. In these conversations, our language organically evolves as we track trend patterns across a variety of industries. “Word” is a weekly snapshot of the top five trends in cultural semantics, or naming the unnamed.

Melania Canvas

Melania Trump’s often blank expression and quiet demeanor render the First Lady as an inviting canvas onto which we project our own thoughts and humor.

Finding Emo

A description of the sadness of fish. Thanks to sea-life psychology, we now understand that fish have feelings, too.


Using the provenance of space as a way of designing a futuristic or magical element to a product.

Emoji Yellow

A hot shade of bright yellow — also known as Gen Z Yellow — which may be aesthetically inspired by the ubiquitous face emoji.

Silver Sheath

Engaging in a safe sex conversation for an aging population, particularly in the midst of rising STD rates among seniors.

