SparksPay Development Update May 2019

Network update 0.13.0, Guardian nodes 2.0, Mobile wallet, Shipping extensions, Sparks Trading Bot

Halil Mandal
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2019


Hello Sparkers,

As promised here is an update of what’s new with SparksPay development.

Network Update 0.13.0

The SparksPay network will be updated to the latest Dash Core 0.13.0. This will be a huge step forward for SparksPay and will provide many new features such as:

  • Automatic InstantSend, which will improve the speed of most transactions at no additional cost
  • A deterministic masternode list to provide a single source of truth for clients validating transactions
  • Special transactions to accommodate non-financial transactions on the blockchain
  • A third masternode key to enable delegation of masternode voting

Several improvements to private transactions

Source: Product Brief: Dash Core Release v0.13.0

Guardian nodes 2.0

Guardian Nodes 2.0 will be based on Dash Special Transactions, as they will create the transactions (special contracts) needed for Buyer Protection. Also, the GN 2.0 collateral will be locked for 6 months, to guarantee the availability of the GN validating a purchase.

In addition to this, we’re defining the hardware requirements needed to run a GN 2.0. to ensure the capability of the SparksPays network, since purchases using SparksPay can be done using BTC, LTC, DASH, etc., GN´s will support to run full BTC, LTC or DASH nodes (which increases the hardware requirements, both in space and computing power).

Shipping Extensions for SparksPay

  • Creation of the Shipping API
  • Development of the shipping extension for OpenCart

Mobile Android Wallet

  • SparksPay Android mobile wallet is being developed. We’re setting up the official Google Play developer account so we can submit it to the store as soon as possible.

Sparks Trading Bot

The Xenon project (a crypto / CFD / forex trading bot) is something zaWasp has been working on long before he got involved in SparksPay. There were a number of technical difficulties which had to be solved in order to be able to execute orders in parallel for many users. These have now been solved, while the trading algorithm is still being adjusted. The results so far (using backtesting and live trading) have been consistently positive, but there are areas of improvement as well. The results and profits of the bot will improve step-by-step after the launch due to ongoing development.

Additionally the Bot will utilise SparksPay and the buyer protection modified BTCPay server. This will provide a good testing ground for technology needed in the future for SparksPay.

The fees for the Sparks Trading Bot will be paid in SPK so this will be the first large Use-Case for Sparks as a currency.

Example trading results Sparks Bot:

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