Announcing Sparkster Signals Public Beta Access

Published in
12 min readJul 24, 2020

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our public beta program for the Sparkster Signals backtesting and algo trading tool, with results like this:

As you can see, the metrics table shows a 3.4 Expected ROI for this particular strategy… which means 3.4 times profit on average for each trade… which means turning every $1 into $3.40.

Check out the strategy for yourself at and get full details on the beta launch below. Scrolling on the graph allows you to observe the signals the strategy generated.

Overall, the platform allows anyone to:

  • Create fully backtested trading algorithms that produce automatic buy and sell signals — without writing any code.
  • View performance metrics to easily assess the historical profitability of any strategy, helping you discover winning approaches for trading in today’s market.
  • Subscribe to signals created and shared by the community, giving you access to a peer-reviewed and more sophisticated trading approach than ever before.

Following dozens of reviews from our alpha tester community we are introducing an all-new design, along with new features, new coins, and Binance integration!

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During the public beta version ALL signals are 100% FREE. This includes both SELL-signals and BUY-signals on all public strategies, giving everyone a chance to profit from the platform without worrying about commissions or subscription fees.

First: What are ‘signals’ exactly?

Think of a signal as an alert or notification. It signals to the trader when to BUY and when to SELL, based on various indicators used for price chart analysis.

This is what traders are looking for when they sit in front of their computers all day long ‘day trading’.

Through the wonders of Artificial Intelligence, and advances in low-code software development, we are able to automate a lot of what professional traders have manually done for the past few decades.

Our members do not have to write any code in order to build trading strategies. It’s all drag-and-drop. Our members also don’t have to sit in front of the screen watching charts to decide when to buy or sell.

A BUY-signal alerts the trader when to buy a particular asset, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Chainlink, Tezos, Ziliqa, and so on.

A SELL-signal alerts the trader when to sell the asset they previously bought… hopefully to lock in some profit.

Sparkster Signals connects with trade execution tools so buying and selling happens on your behalf automatically!

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How Sparkster Signals pricing works for everyone’s benefit:

In the final version of Sparkster Signals due later this year, strategy creators will be able to charge a premium price for BUY-signals — allowing them to earn commission by publishing strategies for our community to profit from.

We consider that a true Win-Win situation.

SELL-signals will remain 100% free for everyone. This allows each member to confirm the profitability of any strategy by receiving SELL-signal notifications to track their real-time performance without risking any capital.

Once you find a winner, you can subscribe to the buy-signals to begin executing trades.

The ‘friendly competition’ between community members who publish top performing signals will help give all community members access to profitable trading opportunities at a much lower cost compared to other services… without having to learn trading skills.

Again, a Win-Win all round available now inside

Is Sparkster Signals only for experts?

The software is designed so that anyone can quickly learn how to profit from cryptocurrency trading — even with no previous experience at all.

In a few quick button clicks, any member can subscribe to fully backtested strategies created by expert members in the community, with full visibility of performance metrics.

This offers no guarantee of making money, but it helps everyone manage the risk better than ever before. History’s most successful investors explain that ‘risk management’ is key to long-term success.

“The first rule of investing is to not lose money. Sounds simple right? Well it is simple. Don’t waste your money on trivial things or gamble it all away.” — Warren Buffet

Note: Performance metrics are visible but indicators and parameters are kept private for the strategy creator. An expert’s secret sauce is therefore kept secret, but everyone can still benefit by seeing the performance metrics before subscribing to signals.

Win-Win, remember.

What are the new design changes and features in the public beta version?

First up is the new homepage page at , including various graphs and tables that highlight key performance information to help our community keep a pulse on the market, with access to strategies and signals.

The top row includes the following 3 graphs

Bulls vs Bears

This reveals at a quick glance how many of the top 10 performing strategies (by net profit) inside the Sparkster Signals community are currently producing BUY-signals. This indicates whether our top performing strategies feel that currency pair is trending upwards in price (bullish) or downwards in price (bearish).

Profit per Trade

This graph reveals the change in profitability over time for the top 5 strategies published in the community. This helps everyone assess their own strategy performance against the very best. Each data point is a different signal over the last 90 days, so you can see the “Profit per Trade.” Hovering over the data point will identify the name of the strategy. Notice that the magnitude of profits (~$2k) verses loses (~$500) on the most successful strategies is significantly higher, and often with higher win rates. This is the formula for what makes for a successful strategy.


Our new momentum graph reveals the day-to-day trend in signals for the 10 best performing strategies based on net profit. Each day the number of active buy and sell signals for all top 10 strategies are added to the chart. This allows you to observe the momentum of the selected currency pair over the last 60 days.

The second row includes the following 3 tables

Most Subscribed This Month

Here you get instant access to the most popular strategies inside the community in the current month. Check them out, they’re trending for a reason. Perhaps they reveal the community’s latest favourite coin. Perhaps it’s a strategy performing exceptionally well for profit. Click to view the strategy page, explore the metrics, and subscribe to signals if you like what you see.

Biggest Winners This Month

Here you can see the current best performing strategies in the current month based on net profit. You can also re-order the columns by win rate and expected return per trade.

Top Movers This Week

This simply shows coin pairs that have seen the biggest price move in the past week. Use it to discover coins that are making big moves in price to create new strategies for.

The third row includes access to signals and strategies

My Signals

On the My Signals table you’ll find the latest signals from strategies you are subscribed to. These may be strategies you have created yourself or others created by someone in the community. The panel shows how long ago the signal was triggered, at what price, and whether it’s a buy or sell.

Clicking on any strategy will take you to the Strategy View page where you can see full performance metrics.

My Strategies

Under My Strategies you’ll see all of the strategies you have personally created, whether or not you’re currently subscribed to them. You can sort them by the various column titles to uncover new opportunities using your history of strategy tests. Not that we generate a different instance of your strategy for every single interval to help you identify the most profitable interval.

Public Strategies

Here you find a full list of strategies that have been created by other members of the community and shared by them publicly. You can sort by the various column headers to find particular metrics of interest such as high Win Rate, and you can click on any strategy to visit the View Page for full performance metrics.


Here is where you’ll find a full list of strategies you are currently subscribed to. You can see their overall performance and when the last signals occurred. You can also click any strategy to visit the View Page.

So what’s on the View Page?

There are 6 features on the View Page that help you research a strategy.

The largest panel on the View Page shows a full TradingView chart revealing the exact locations of all buy and sell signals that have been triggered historically by the strategy. Scrolling will allow you to observe when Buy and Sell signals were generated by that strategy.

Buy signals are green up arrows. Sell signals are red down arrows.

On the top right of the chart you’ll find 3 buttons to open the configurator panel, comments panel, and the performance metrics panel, as follows:

The configurator lets you adjust key parameters to suit your own trading requirements including the exchange trading fee (such as 0.02%), the account starting balance that you want to use for that strategy, and the % allocation of that account balance that you want to use for each trade. 10% per trade may seem high for a conservative trader, but this will depend on how many different strategies you wish to trade at any one time and your appetite for risk.

The interval slider lets you adjust the starting and ending date to be backtested by the strategy, so you can eliminate the 2017 bull run from consideration if you would like to. This can help produce a specific historical backtest by, for example, eliminating periods of extreme bull or bear trend.

The comments panel is as straightforward as it seems, allowing members to leave messages and reply to anyone who visits each strategy View Page.

In the Strategy Performance panel you’ll find detailed performance metrics for the strategy being viewed along with buttons to subscribe to signals.

During the public launch phase ALL signals are 100% FREE including both buy signals and sell signals. Community membership is also 100% FREE.

On the lower part of the View Page is a quick view stats panel along with a complete trade history for the strategy including when each buy or sell trigger occurred, at what price, at what date and time, and how it affected the cumulative gains leading up to the most recent trade.

This provides precise detail and full visibility on the true performance of any strategy.

So that’s how to check the performance of a strategy… but what about subscribing to a strategy’s signals?

Subscribing To Signals

Here is how to receive signal notifications once you have found a strategy that you want to subscribe to.

Note: During our Launch Phase of the platform, all BUY signals are also 100% FREE!

Click on the subscribe button for the signals you want, and confirm your telegram username where you would like signals sent to.

You will see this message:

You’re subscribed! Now activate your signals inside Telegram. Here’s how:

Visit Telegram and search for ‘SignalsBySparkster’. Click on the account @SignalsBySpaksterBot as shown:

Then, send it the following message:


You’ll see a confirmation message like this:

You will then receive signal notifications on your Telegram account.

To execute trades you can do so manually inside your Kraken/Binance exchange account.

We will have options for automated trading in due course.

Advanced: If you wish to subscribe different strategies to different telegram groups, you can use the /start command instead of /start-all.

A list of your subscribed strategies will appear.

Tap or Click on the one you want to start receiving signals for.

Enter /start again to see the list again to add more.

How To Create Your Own Strategies

From the create strategy page ( click the button to open the Strategy Creator canvas:

The creator canvas contains several elements.

Here’s an example of a strategy built using our drag-and-drop blocks.

Parameters for each indicator can be adjusted like they can in TradingView by clicking the indicator settings icon. Here’s an example for the MACD indicator from TradingView.

Check out the full user guide for a detailed explanation of how to create strategies. You’ll receive this guide by email when you register for a free Sparkster Signals account.

You’ll learn how to build your strategies using the drag-and-drop interface without having to write any code. You can then run the strategy and within seconds you will see the same performance metrics as per the View Page.

You can then adjust your new strategy to optimise the performance and then save your new strategy to make it available from the homepage.

Sparkster Signals is suitable for anyone interested in crypto

Anyone interested in trading cryptocurrency can use the Sparkster Signals platform. Depending on your skill level you will approach it differently:

  • If you are comfortable with the ins and outs of technical chart analysis, you can very easily learn how to create strategies and optimise their performance.
  • If you’re quite new to the whole crypto thing, then your best approach is to view strategies created by experts and find the best performers to subscribe to. Simple and easy. We built this platform so that everybody, no matter their proficiency with technical analysis, can benefit from low risk, high performance, transparent and trustable trading strategies.

What’s more, Team Sparkster is here to help no matter if you’re a trading pro or a trading newbie.

Here’s another example of a recent chart showing where previous buy and sell signals occurred for a particular strategy available to community members.

This sample strategy has an average gain of $54 compared to an average loss of just $10, resulting in 1.7x overall performance, which means turning every $1 traded into $1.70.

Register today and explore the beta version to get started.

What does ‘beta version’ mean?

The purpose of a public beta is to confirm that software features work as expected for all users. Different people will try different things and often help a software development team put the finishing touches on new software before it is finalised.

This also gives you a chance to add new feature requests for our development team to consider implementing in the final version.

Get started and we look forward to welcoming you into the public beta version of Sparkster Signals for algo assisted fully backtested crypto trading.

Register at

What next for Sparkster?

There are additional features of the algo platform that will start development shortly. These will be announced as they near completion. In addition, we will be launching an alpha of our Next Generation no code and low code software development platform at the end of the year. This is a major update to our no code platform that has been in development for the past 18 months.

Team Sparkster




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