Sparkster, a project of firsts in Crypto

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3 min readMay 23, 2019

Our vision for Sparkster and our platform is to be truly disruptive, we have shown this throughout our ICO, by being the first ICO to demonstrate 50,000 Transactions Per Second in under 3 mins. We were the first project to conduct a live demo prior to running a crowdsale, and you can count on us to continue to raise the bar.

Sparkster is amongst the most communicative and transparent projects in crypto. Our ICO was exemplary and known as a token sale of firsts. Sparkster opted for greater community participation and achieved this by limiting contributions to 35 eth and not allowing VCs to participant. Sparkster is one of the first to run a token sale where everybody is treated equally regardless of connections or wallet sizes, resulting in espousing democratic value within our community. That’s right, every single SPRK token holder paid 15c USD per token, no exceptions.

No one has overall control of tokens, our largest token holder owns a fraction of 1% of tokens, resulting in one of the fairest project to ever run a token sale. Today Sparkster has one of the most active communities in crypto.

We are all Sparksters. Everyone who can see a better way of doing things. And with the right tools at our fingertips, we can finally build the solutions, solve the problems and make the world a better place. We have developed our no code platform to design those solutions — and the decentralized cloud network to execute them.

Sparkster will be one of the first projects in crypto to release tokens with functioning technology. We intend to have immediate utility when we unlock our tokens. That immediate utility means it is a medium of exchange on the no code platform, allowing creators to build solutions that solve problems and sell those solutions to others in the same industry or with similar challenges.

Sparkster’s no code platform is the perfect embodiment of innovation and democratic technology, working together. With our platform, programmers can save time and effort by automatically generating code, and everyone else can use our intuitive drag-and-drop interface to build tech-based solutions. That means that whether you’re an expert or a total n00b, you can build the tools and apps you need to address the challenges they face every day.

Even when bonus and marketing tokens eventually unlock, they’ll add less than 5% to overall token supply — another industry first. Democracy, transparency, and principled standards are at the core of our values, something we are very proud of. We’re demonstrating that by only unlocking PAID token first, and after a month unlocking bonus and marketing tokens. All paid tokens will be unlocked at the same time, creating a fair and transparent listing methodology for all our community. That’s why team tokens will unlock 2 years after community tokens are first unlocked. We’re invested in the success of the project, not just in the short term, but over the long term!

Over the last year, Sparkster has been thoroughly vetted and scrutinized projects in all of crypto. We have successfully dispelled and exposed every single claim made against us, without exception. We’re honored to have run a fair, democratic, transparent and highly ethical token sale, where everybody is on a level playing field and no incentives exist for anyone to allow emotion to overpower their rationality.

Thanks for your support so far, and we can’t wait to unlock the next adventure with you and continue being a project of firsts as we embark on the next phase of our journey — mass adoption!

TL/DR Summary:

✅ Every single token sold at $0.15 USD, no exceptions.

✅ First Project to demonstrate 52,000 TPS LIVE prior to Crowdsale:

✅ Max Presale/Crowdsale contribution of 35 ETH

✅ Largest Token holder owns less than 1% of circulating supply

✅ Unlocking with Functioning Technology:

✅ Marketing and Bonus tokens only add less than 5% to circulating supply

✅ Team tokens unlock after 2 years

✅ One of most vetted and scrutinized projects in all of crypto.

Join the revolution:




Build smart software in Plain English! Run at 10 million TPS. Join us at @Sparkster_Me