Sparkster: Laser Focused on Adoption!

Announcing a major customer

6 min readJun 7, 2019


Many companies in the crypto space are building technology for a problem that does not yet exist. It’s like building highways in a desolate city. This introduces substantial risks in viability and sustainability for the token holders of such projects. At Sparkster, we’re not building technology for technology’s sake, unlike many projects in the crypto space, we’re building tools that solve real problems, for real people, in the real world.

The companies that will remain relevant in the long run are those that deliver useful products and services to a meaningfully sized market of buyers willing to pay for their products and services. The crypto industry has very few such examples of companies that have delivered viable business models outside of crypto exchanges. Sparkster is here to change that.

We’re developing three products, each with different target markets, but with the same core value — democratizing access to technology:

  1. Low Code / No Code Software Development Platform
  2. Decentralized Cloud Computing
  3. No Code Algorithmic Trading Platform

The heart of our mission is to make technology accessible to the masses. Our USP is to take difficult things, things that are beyond the reach of most people, and make them simple and easy to use.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these markets.

1. The Low Code Market

The problem: Software takes too long to build, it is too complicated, and costs too much. In fact various governments are concerned about the digital skills gap because there are not enough software developers available to serve the needs of growing economies. Software developers are some of the most sought after, and highest paid employees, and what makes them so valuable is their knowledge of cryptic programming languages.

Is there a market for low code software development? Forrester Research estimates that the market for low code software development will reach $21.2 billion by 2022. Forrester estimates revenues in this market in 2019 are in excess of $10bn.

How are we making this happen at Sparkster?

Through our partnership with Libelium, a major IOT hardware manufacturer, we have Sparkster IOT Solution Kits for sale that serve specific problem areas, such as agriculture, smart water, smart cities etc. Our low code platform allows companies and organizations that are testing IOT to get up and running immediately, and build out use cases very quickly.

Amongst some of our large organisational users is the Government of Malaysia, who have purchased our IOT agriculture kit. In addition, we have built a custom dashboard for the Government of Malaysia based on their requirements. Partnerships like the one with Libelium, present a viable and lucrative vehicle for us to penetrate enterprise companies and governments around the world. The Government of Malaysia is just one example of such customers that Sparkster has garnered.

Take a look at our No Code product here: Publicly available NO CODE software development platform with tutorials .

Build Software with our NO CODE platform here:

2. Decentralized Cloud

The Problem: Sparkster’s partner ARM, a company that was recently purchased by Soft Bank for $30bn, believes that centralized clouds will be overwhelmed by coalescence of three technologies: 5G, AI and IOT. In fact, Google is quoted as saying that if all their users used Google Assistant for just 3 minutes a day, they would need to double their entire server capacity.

Is there a market for decentralized cloud computing?

There are certain use cases that necessitate decentralized computing. For example, collaborative VR and AR, where people can share the same experience and interact with one another inside that VR/AR experience, cannot emerge without decentralized computing. In a similar vein, localized multiplayer mobile games such as Pokemon Go can offload heavy computational tasks and as a result improve mobile battery performance. There are other interesting usecases that we are exploring including remote outpatient monitoring for hospitals, and cancer drug efficacy analysis.

Decentralized Clouds will be necessary when autonomous cars emerge, and vehicles need to communicate with road infrastructure to plan diversion routes in the event of a collision, or receive realtime road conditions and congestion information. Emergency services would use such a network to clear congestion, a particularly acute problem in major cities. Many of these problems cannot be addressed by centralized clouds because of their high latency.

How are we making this happen at Sparkster?

The examples demonstrate that Sparkster is laser focused on adoption, by identifying real world problems that necessitate the technology we are developing. Through our partnerships we are exploring these usecases and speaking to major companies and some governments about how Sparkster can help bring about a localized low latency cloud that addresses these issues.

One way in which we’re doing this is by participating in events organized by our partners. We were the only blockchain company invited to speak to ARM Tech Con 2018 in Silicon Valley, USA.

This is what we demonstrated:

In addition, Sparkster was asked to present its technology on Libelium’s stand at IOT Solutions World Congress in Barcelona, Spain.

Public LIVE demonstration of 52,000 TPS, on Sparkster’s Decentralized Cloud.

We recently demonstrated the utility of its Decentralized Cloud in an algorithmic trading use case that integrated our NO CODE platform for graphing:

3. No Code Algorithmic Trading

The problem: Retail investors often employ the least sophisticated of investment strategies, trying to catch the tail end of price action resulting from rumours, social media sentiment or public opinion rather than a rational or technical basis behind their investment decisions. According to Forbes, the top 20 hedge funds have generated more than $113 Billion in profits from employing algorithmic trading strategies. Yet, access to these strategies and tools are not accessible to retail investors who are left to hold on to equities and commodities in the hopes that they may see eventually greener pastures. Algorithmic traders are a rare hybrid of programmers and technical traders, making algorithmic trading appear as an elusive art, beyond the reach of most people.

Sparkster’s Solution:

We’re bringing our NO CODE tools to the algo trading market, by enabling technical analysts to define strategies in plain English, and back test those strategies against years of historical data to test their performance. Eliminating the need to learn how to code opens up an enormous market of people familiar with technical indicators, but unfamiliar with programming languages. However, we’re not stopping there. Retail investors who are neither versed in software development nor technical analysis, are able to invest in secret strategies defined by technical analysts, in exchange for sharing a portion of profits with the strategy author, and hence providing an incentive for all parties involved. Commission fees for the use of our platform will be paid in SPRK tokens and likely generate millions of token holders who benefit from this revolutionary innovation to otherwise clandestine industry.

Learn more about Sparkster’s NO CODE Algorithmic Trading Platform here:

Sparkster’s roadmap:

  1. Over the next few months Sparkster will be releasing an MVP of its NO CODE Algo Trading product, and inviting feedback from active technical analysts, as we evolve the product to serve the needs of this community.
  2. Sparkster is engaging with software developers and product users to understand their needs with respect to our no code product to ensure that it’s low code product achieves product market fit. Over the medium term, we’re extending our product from a strictly NO CODE product, to a code ONLY when necessary product to ensure we can not only serve the lucrative low code market but can thrive relative to incumbent competition.
  3. Sparkster is engaging with large companies and governments and seeking out opportunities to pilot our Decentralized Cloud in some of the real world examples identified above. In the long run, Sparkster aims to secure not just a pilot but a major deployment, being amongst the first companies in the crypto space to bring its technology into large enterprises and governments.

About Sparkster:

Sparkster isn’t simply aiming to survive in the crypto industry, nor is thriving sufficient. Our goals and ambitions are far greater — we aim to lead. Our firm commitment and focus on adoption is at the heart of our strategy. Sparkster has a strong execution team consisting primary of software developers with backgrounds from a host of companies, including Cisco, Accenture, AT&T, NBC Universal, KPMG, Wipro, IBM, Citi Bank, Lockheed Martin. Sparkster is also investing resources in opening a development center in Cambridge, UK.

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Build smart software in Plain English! Run at 10 million TPS. Join us at @Sparkster_Me