Shifting the Career Navigation Paradigm

Romain Lévy
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2021

by Romain Lévy and Vince Jeong

Staying true to our mission of conquering career inertia and finding what lights us all up

Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash

Hi, Romain and Vince here 👋

In our founding story, we shared our “why” — the paradox that far too many talented people are unhappy and disengaged at work, but not taking action.

We’ve launched Sparkwise to help make fulfilling careers a reality by reimagining the way we approach careers. As an early-stage startup, we’re testing and changing lots of things constantly — the format of the offering, pricing, marketing channels, customer segments… As we go through all these iterations, we keep on asking, “How can we make sure we don’t lose sight of what we’ve set out to do?”

Here are our starting principles to help us stay true to our mission. Help us improve them as we go!

  1. Be bold: We only get one shot at life. Let’s be bold and hold nothing back.
  2. Experiment to grow: No one can tell us what we should do or be. Clarity comes from trying firsthand. The path emerges by doing.
  3. Mind + heart: Career exploration can seem like an intellectual process, but emotions reveal what truly energizes or drains us. Use both.
  4. Lead with abundance: There isn’t a fixed pie of opportunities. The world is full of options. Collaboration yields abundance.
  5. Meaning matters: We spend 80,000 hours at work, so make that time meaningful. It’s not just a paycheck, it’s your life.
  6. Have fun: Find joy in the journey — the beautiful, exciting parts and the hard parts. It’s a privilege to be alive.

Why these 6 principles?

They’re designed to knock down the hurdles we’ve seen and experienced in career navigation.

Today, career moves are big, irreversible, risky decisions that we manage under stress and largely alone. The result? Indefinite procrastination. Inertia dictating the course. Endless cycles of energy-draining weekdays and crippling Sunday Blues. Frustration about the status quo and guilt about the inaction. When we do finally make a move, far too often it’s because we’re at our wits’ end, or because we chance upon a good enough escape — rather than as a result of actively pursuing the next exciting endeavor.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Let’s make smart, validated career moves with confidence — and be pioneers of our future.

Join us and help us spread the word.

We’d love to hear from you. React below or feel free to reach out at



Romain Lévy

Born and bred in Paris. MIT Engineer, McKinsey Consultant, People person. Inveterate traveler. New to mindfulness and Yin yoga.