Cancelling and Archiving Users with a Membership

Lucas J. Pols
Sparkxyz FAQ
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2023

There are three scenarios to restricting a users access to your collective.

No Membership assigned

If the member is not assigned a membership, find the user under team, click the three dot icon and archive the user. This will restrict their access.

Cancelling an Active Membership

To cancel a membership, under the membership tab, find the user and click cancel membership.

If you cancel an active membership the membership will not renew but the member will continue to have access until their renewal date.

If you wish to re-invite them as a member, you will need to add a new membership to their account past their renewal date.

Ex. If either the Admin or user initiates a cancellation with a pending cancellation date of 8/1/2023 then the first date an admin can assign a new membership will be in the future, 8/2/2023

Archiving an Active Membership

To archive an active membership, under team, find the user and click archive.

If you archive an active membership this will restrict the user entirely and cancel their membership. The user will not have access to the collective anymore.



Lucas J. Pols
Sparkxyz FAQ

Chairman of the Board @ Spark xyz | President Tech Coast Angels