Manage Applications, Admin

Lucas J. Pols
Sparkxyz FAQ
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2023

Explanation for each button on the admin side

Top buttons: Admins & Coordinators can use the top navigation buttons to Promote, Pass, Archive, Email, or export all applications to a CSV.

Use the square icons to select which application you want to act upon, and then use the corresponding button.

Promote: This will move the application into the subsequent round and notify the applicant of the promotion. If you have additional questions in that round, the applicant will have the opportunity to answer them. It is optional for an applicant to finish answering the questions before you promote to additional rounds.

Pass: Will notify the applicant (under their manage applications only) that you have passed on their application.

Archive: Using Archive will remove the application from the judging view. If you archive an application, you will still be able to access that application under the global deal view on the application page. Use Archive to keep your rounds clean and provide users with an up-to-date snapshot each time they log in.

Left side Navigation: Navigation for each round you have created.

Started Applications: This section is for users that clicked the apply button but have yet to complete an application. If your application has a deadline, this section will be leveraged heavily one week and 48 hours before your deadline to help drive conversions.

Archived Applications: All archived applications are located under this tab. You can unarchive an application by selecting the application and then clicking the unarchive button.



Lucas J. Pols
Sparkxyz FAQ

Chairman of the Board @ Spark xyz | President Tech Coast Angels