Trends in Branding and Marketing for 2021 — Employee Advocacy and Purpose Alignment

5/8 — Employee Advocacy, Brand Ambassadors and Purpose Alignment: How to Create a Purpose-driven Brand

Erwin Lima
SparQle Brand Identity Insights


This is the fifth of a series of articles in which we discuss three macro trends impacting the world of business, viewed from the lens of branding and marketing, interpreting desk research specifically for 2021. In this article, we discuss the need for Purpose Alignment through Employee Advocacy, for Brands and Marketing in 2021. And how to do it.

Welcome back!

In this series of articles, we offer advice for anyone with a strategic responsibility for marketing, branding, design, or marketing technology – to navigate the playing field and have an impact on the world around you after 2020.

Read the introduction to this series of articles here:

In the second article, we discussed the first two macro trends we consider for this series: uncertainty and current prevailing…



Erwin Lima
SparQle Brand Identity Insights

Exploring and maximising human potential. I write about tech, marketing, writing, love, money, society; life. Find my newest book here: