Welcome to our new look!

Dear Sparrho user, as you will have noticed when logging in, we have overhauled our homepage. It looks a bit different, but our platform works exactly the same as before.

3 min readJun 11, 2018

This means that all the Sparrho features you love — like followed searches, pinboards and personalised recommendations — are still there for you.

So, why change the homepage?

In this age of information overload, content that’s been curated and summarised by experts is becoming increasingly important to research-focused organisations.

Here at Sparrho, we believe that the benefit to society of AI-driven aggregation and recommendation of scientific content across all disciplines is boosted exponentially when paired with information curated and summarised by human experts.

As we continue to grow as a business, we’re making clearer to our partners the problems that we can help them solve.

How is Sparrho going to work with its future partners?

Our augmented intelligence approach has evolved since we were first founded in 2013. We started by building the best tool for researchers to discover and curate the science that matters to them. Now we’re also equipping organisations with the infrastructure and scientific resources to work more closely with experts in-house and beyond.

Our refreshed homepage details the key benefits of working with Sparrho and how our enriched scientific content can help organisations connect more deeply with their audience, collaborate more easily with active researchers in their areas of interest, and finally solidify their scientific integrity and credibility.

Will the community also see more opportunities to work with Sparrho’s partners?

Absolutely! We’re expecting even more interest from organisations, big and small, in seeking out superstar researchers and science communicators like you for their next projects. Sharing your research on Sparrho firmly puts you in the spotlight in front of the science-curious public, as well as prospective collaborators and even employers.

Have you got any questions or comments for the team? Drop us a line at ask@sparrho.com and we will be happy to explain in more detail!

Thank you for being with Sparrho on our journey to democratise science— exciting times ahead for our scientific community!

p.s. Did you know? We’ve been profiling science superstars like you as part of our Early Career Researcher Prize to support young scientists to present their science at their dream conferences. Read more about them here.




Steve, the sparrow, represents contributions from the Sparrow Team and our expert researchers. We accredit external contributors where appropriate.