17th December — Johanna Melke

Published in
1 min readDec 17, 2018

Sparrho Advent Calendar

Johanna is a Ph.D. candidate at TU Eindhoven, Netherlands, and specializes in bone tissue engineering and vascularization to improve current therapies for bone defects and advance the growing field of regenerative medicine.

Johanna used the £500 Prize to fly to Kyoto, Japan and spoke at the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society World Congress 2018.

Really cool: To help against bone defects, Johanna grows tissue-engineered bones in the laboratory. One of the major problems in this area are the missing blood vessels, but Johanna is working on this as well. Read more about Johanna’s research on stem cells that are grown to 3D support structures here.

Want to win a £500 travel prize like Johanna did to present at a conference?
Check out the Sparrho Early Career Researcher Prize.

#bones #molecularbiology #engineering




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