Why will walking robots look inhuman?

Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2017

Researchers are making advances in creating walking robots that can balance like us, but their legs might more resemble those of chickens than humans.

In 10 seconds? New algorithms are helping two-legged robots walk on uneven surfaces without falling. But this doesn’t mean that the jobs of security guards, firefighters and others are under threat just yet. (Read the science here)

Wait! Why do we need walking robots in the first place? Good question. Walking robots can help in environments designed for humans — for example in buildings where there are only staircases or if the lifts are not working. Imagine a war or disaster zone. A robot could walk into the control room of a nuclear power station, or bring out wounded from a building. (Read more about systems that help robots move)

So, why is it so difficult for them to walk? They can walk in a safe place, like a lab, but once they step outside, it’s a different story. Robots need to anticipate and know what to do with ‘disturbances’. These can range from uneven or unstable surfaces, to stepping on something or being pushed over. Scientists have now developed algorithms that decide if the robot needs to flex its joints, move its body or take a step to avoid a fall. (Read more here)

Can you give me an example of what the algorithm is looking out for?Sure! Tested on a robot called Atlas, researchers have improved the robot’s anticipation of the surface to enhance its gait and stability. After each step the software makes Atlas shift the centre of pressure in its feet and read information from the contact edges to estimate where the next best foothold is. (Learn more here)

And aside from the feet? The Atlas system also rotates the upper body to regain balance, similar to what humans do. Other researchers are focusing on ‘whole body control’ systems that help bipedal robots maintain their balance when walking or reaching for objects. (Find out more here)

OK, but how do those chicken legs come into the picture? Chicken legs? Ah, yes! Researchers are discovering that when creating bipedal robots (that is two-legged in smart people lingo) there is no sense in copying human joint and bone structure. Enter the chicken leg or more precisely, the bird-like robotic leg.

Are you saying this is more stable? Well, this year’s big news was an ostrich-looking bipedal robot called, Cassie. It can sit down, crouch, squat and balance on an unstable wooden jetty without crashing into the water and… it can walk at a steady pace in the park. The trade-off is that Cassie’s knees are reversed and it looks like a pair of chicken legs with a head on it. Gross, I know! (Read more here)

So, are more jobs in danger? Relax… for the time being. Currently the hydraulics and the electric motors used in walking robots are not strong enough to challenge humans. The web is full of videos with robots faceplanting themselves or a security robot drowning itself in a pool, because it could not recognise the surface. Looks like Uncle Tony’s retirement job as a guard at the mall is still secure.

Want to create a walking robot?
Learn the lingo first...

Manipulator or rovers: Main body of robot (links, joints, other structural elements)

End effector: The part that is connected to the last joint hand of a manipulator

Actuators: The ‘muscles’ of the robot – these can be pneumatic or hydraulic systems, electric motors or any other system that can apply forces to the system

Sensors: These collect information about the internal state of the robot or communicate with the outside environment

Whole Body Control (WBC): A wide range of complex movement skills that are sent to the robot’s ‘muscles’.

This research was curated by Brandon DeHart, PhD Candidate at University of Waterloo, Ontario, specialising in dynamic gait for bipedal robots.

Read more about Brandon’s research here.




Steve, the sparrow, represents contributions from the Sparrow Team and our expert researchers. We accredit external contributors where appropriate.