Write For SparseCode

Abhishek Sharma
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2020

Share your project or code with an awesome community.

SparseCode started with the intent of sharing projects and code with fellow community members, which can serve as a useful learning reference and reusing the projects hassle-free. SparseCode is welcoming posts on all types of projects which can be helpful for others. Coding exercises based on different programming languages, data science projects, complex projects based on distributed programming whatever people want to share are humbly welcome.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Guidelines for Writing a Post for SparseCode

Our expectation for the post is simple and straightforward. The article should have some learning material that can help other people in their learning journey. Some of the points to remember while writing a post for SparseCode

  1. The writeup should have references to GitHub Repos, Playgrounds, and Gists.
  2. The post should specify the intent of the writeup. Clearly and adequately summarise key learning points.
  3. The post should have proper Reference sections.
  4. The post should give proper credits to the people for their work.
  5. Please make sure that the language of the post is easy to understand.
  6. The article should have a clear title and a subtitle.
  7. SparseCode will not accept any political, disrespectful or hatred posts. SparseCode is just for knowledge sharing.
  8. It is highly recommended that the post should mention some next steps to follow.
  9. Publish or draft post, SparseCode doesn’t care. Just share it with us.

How to Submit a Post for SparseCode

Please fill the Google Form for submission; once reviewed, you will be added as a writer to the SparseCode. Once you become a writer with SparseCode, no need to fill the form, directly submit a post following the steps mentioned in a blog.

Google Form for submission of a post to the SparseCode.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who has the rights for the post?

Simple, your post, you are the owner. You can submit and remove the blog to the SparseCode anytime you want.

2. Is SparseCode responsible for the content of the post?

NO. SparseCode is not responsible for the content published in a writeup. As a publisher, SparseCode is not going to add any extra material in the post like marketing or promoting paid solutions or some other content of such types. Also, SparseCode accepts only writeups based on inclusiveness, and everyone feels welcome to read, write, and share learnings with others; Sparsecode will reject all disrespectful posts immediately.

3. Will SparseCode promote the post?

SparseCode is not going to promote any content. Readers will follow and read as per their choices; No recommendations to readers by SparseCode.

Thanks for submitting the post to SparseCode and please follow SparseCode.



Abhishek Sharma

Code Monkey 🐒, Data Architect, Streaming Solutions, Distributed Systems, Kubernetes & Coder at SparseCode.io, github.com/abhioncbr