Leaving a Legacy: Gerry Griffith

Drew Goretzka
Spartan Blockchain Solutions
3 min readMay 28, 2020

This week, Vice President of Finance and Legal Gerry Griffith talks to S.B.S. about his experience with the organization, and what he’s bringing from it into the world of law.

How do you feel about leaving Spartan Blockchain?

“I’d say it’s kind of a bummer, just because there’s such smart people in the organization. I really learned a lot, especially things outside of my field. Most of the things we touched on had nothing to do with what I have been learning for the last four years, so that was always such a great experience. But I think most of all it’s the people. All of the innovative, driven, and really smart people. I think that’s the groundwork for any successful organization that you want to be a part of. I have really positive views of the organization overall.”

What would you say is the biggest thing you’ve gotten out of Spartan Blockchain?

“I would probably say interacting with the faculty members who are associated with the organization. I worked with Professor [Carla] Reyes as a research assistant, and being able to pick her mind and learn about evolving law was invaluable. Having access to people like Jeff Rayis or Neil [Kane] was always such a cool experience and perspective.

Last November we got to sit in on a couple of pitch meetings for different businesses to help bring M.S.U. onto a Blockchain platform. Getting to watch Professor Reyes essentially pick apart these business professionals was a really great experience from my perspective. It just showed professionalism, and the ability to form a coherent perspective on evolving technologies. At that meeting I was lost, but Professor Reyes was amazing.

I think that’s reflected in the projects as well. The group is definitely working on some really cutting edge stuff.”

So as a newly christened lawyer, what are you carrying from Spartan Blockchain into that realm?

“I will say that as far as never wanting to be the professional who is behind on the ball on new technologies, I think that is the best part of being part of an organization like Spartan Blockchain. You get the chance to interact with people who are doing some really cool stuff, and you get to sharpen your mind in that way. You don’t walk into your next career field blind, you understand how the world is evolving and how you can fit into that evolution.”

What would be your main piece of advice for incoming recruits?

“Like anything, you get out what you put into it. If you keep an open mind you are going to learn from a lot of accomplished individuals. It’s all about applying yourself and looking for that opportunity for growth.

I would also say this: My last year at M.S.U I would walk around and see all of these people who were in the organization. That was also a cool part of it. Being a part of something that gives you an affinity with people who have the same interests as you. That’s something I would tell them to take advantage of as well.”

Any closing remarks?

“Our stakeholders and advisors were so great. Especially with someone like Jeff Rayis, with as busy as he is he still goes out of his way to include us in all of these activities and everything. In a meeting I was sitting in with him, he was telling an organization that he always wanted [M.S.U.’s] students to be a part of any proposal. How many senior university staff would go out of their way to ensure their students got learning experience like that? I thought that was really cool.”

