Meet the Founders with Sidd Chhabra

Olivia Simone
Spartan Blockchain Solutions
2 min readSep 17, 2020

Sidd Chhabra, a 2019 MSU alum, graduated with a degree in finance from Broad College of Business. Additionally, Sidd minored in Economics and Entrepreneurship. Since graduating, Sidd has been a part of a fellowship program called Venture for America as an entrepreneur fellow. Through this opportunity, Sidd obtained his current position as an investment analyst at a venture capital firm in Baltimore called the Maryland Technology Development Corporation.

In 2018, during Spartan Blockchain Solutions’ (SBS) beginning stages Sidd participated solely as a general member. After being a part of SBS for a semester, he knew he wanted a bigger role in the organization. Sidd shared that the summer leading up to his senior year he reached out to Andrew and discussed their visions of SBS’s potential, and path moving forward.

This conversation between friends kick started a bigger discussion between Andrew, Josh, and Sidd. Moving forward, their plans to revamp SBS began the summer of 2018. Sidd wore many hats while in SBS, his first being vice president of external affairs where he worked on partnerships with the university, sponsorships, and student outreach.

From there, Sidd shared that his “role evolved from external affairs to event planning conferences, recruiting members, and project management.” Overall, Sidd stated that they never stopped hustling, “it was a lot of fun.”

When Sidd joined SBS he was the oldest member on the board. He decided to use this to his advantage by helping the team flourish using his knowledge from past experiences. “I wanted to dump all of the things I had picked up from my other organizations that I was a part of like Spectrum Consulting, and a couple of the finance and multicultural organizations.”

Sidd continued to state that he could never find an organization that was a perfect fit for him. Therefore, SBS was the perfect opportunity to create an organization that checked all his boxes. This shared vision between Sidd, Andrew, and Josh developed into what we now know as Spartan Blockchain Solutions, and what Sidd calls “the breeding ground of innovation.”

Looking back, Sidd stated he is most proud of seeing SBS members grow into who they are today. Since Sidd was the first member to ever graduate from SBS, he said it’s the most rewarding to see how his former peers have taken the organization to the next level. Personally, Sidd is very proud of the team he put together.

