Sweatshops: Are the Working conditions fair?

poppington808 sc
3 min readApr 27, 2019


by Sami Boulett

Here in the western world, we are huge on consuming goods, often without knowing where the goods actually come from. We are so focused on buying the products and getting them for a good deal that people do not realize that most of their products are made in sweatshops. Sweatshops are known for breaking one or more labor laws. Many well known companies like Nike, outsource their labor to foreign countries, such as Indonesia. According to Noi Supalai a former sweatshop employee of Nike, her and her coworkers had to take turns going home to shower.

Companies outsource to these foreign countries because they are able to produce their goods at a cheaper cost. By producing their products for less, the companies are profiting from the sales that consumers pay for these products.

In order to make these products, workers have to endure certain working conditions. Even though sweatshops do provide jobs for many of the people in these remote areas, the amount they get paid for their services are often very low. Workers have to work long hours for low wages. They are often forced to work in dangerous work environments by their employers. These factories are often made cheaply, making it not suitable in most cases. Many people are affect by sweatshops, but the poor are mainly affected. Poor people are the most prone to working in sweatshops due to lack of jobs, education, and money. Young children fall into this category, who often work to help provide for their families. According to Lieurance, they often face health problems due to the harsh working conditions. The workers safety and health should be a priority. Workers are often abused and sexually harassed in the factories. Companies outsource to foreign countries to save money and often find ways to keeping cutting costs.

Employers are the ones who are the ones who set the terms and conditions for the employees. They often take advantage of the need for jobs in their area. Many people do not have an education or work experience to get other jobs. Companies would hire a lot of people giving them jobs but for low wages. It is unfair that in order for us to buy these products for the prices we want, people in foreign countries have to endure harsh working conditions.

Companies need to make sure their factories in these foreign countries are adhering to labor laws and making sure their employees are treated fairly. Even though they could be beneficial to the company and help provide jobs to these foreign countries, they should aim to treat their workers fairly. Just because cost of living may be low in these countries, does not mean they should treat them any less than they would treat employees here in the United States.

