Swap BEP2 Token for it’s BEP20 Equivalent

How to use the Binance Chain to Binance Smart Chain Bridge

5 min readSep 9, 2020



In this guide we will show you how to swap between a projects’ tokens that live on both Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain.

First you need to confirm the team have followed this guide and setup their BEP20 token along with the bridge between BEP2 <-> BEP20 tokens.

Thanks to the CanYa team for taking the time to move first on this and being our case study for these guides, they now live on both the Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain ecosystems and are ready to be Burnt for Sparta!

Any questions, please reach out to the Spartan team on telegram who worked closely with the Binance Chain team to make sure this guide was accurate.

Part 1 — Binance Chain Wallet chrome extension

Go to this address in your Google Chrome or other compatible web browser (ie. Brave Browser)

Install Extension — Click “Add to” to add to your browser’s extensions, then read the warning in the notification box and if you agree, click “Add extension”.

Add the browser extension to your browser

Accessing Extension — The Binance Chain Wallet chrome extension is now accessible from the top of your browser whenever you may need it. You may choose to ‘pin’ it to the top bar by clicking the jigsaw piece icon and clicking the pin icon next to the extension.

Extension is located in the top bar to the right

Create & Secure Wallet — You may now choose to import an existing wallet or create a new one.

For the purpose of this guide; we will be creating a new wallet, as we are only using this extension to bridge between BEP2 and BEP20.

It will not be our main wallet; we will be using a Ledger device connected with MetaMask and the Binance DEX as this is one of the more common situations we have come across from the community.

Create your wallet and select a strong password.

Create wallet and input a strong password

Mnemonic Phrase — This step is very important especially if you will be re-using this wallet/extension. If you do not properly backup this set of 12 words, you will have no way of recovering your wallet in the event of losing access to it!

Best practice is to write down the 12 words on a piece of paper and store it in a fireproof and secure safe, but you are responsible for your own keys so do what is best for you!

Copy them down and press ‘continue’ on the next screen input the three words the app asks for to confirm you have indeed backed them up!

Backup your 12 word phrase and confirm 3 words on the next screen

Congratulations — your BC Wallet chrome extension is now ready to act as a bridge for your BEP2 and BEP20 assets!

Part 2— Transferring BEP2 to Binance Chrome Extension

Unlock Wallet — Open up your preferred Binance Chain wallet where your BEP2 assets are located. For this guide we will be using the Binance DEX in combination with a Ledger device with $CAN tokens.

We will now go to: https://www.binance.org/en/unlock and select our wallet unlock option.

Unlock your BC (BEP2) wallet

View Wallet Balance — Once your wallet is unlocked, you will be redirected to the DEX. Feel free to trade for some tokens, or if you already own them, head to: https://www.binance.org/en/balances to proceed with the next step.

Copy Receiving Address— Select “Send” next to the BEP2 asset you would like to send over to BSC. Now open up your Binance Chain chrome extension and ensure “Binance Chain Network” is selected. Click on receive and copy your address.

Copy your Binance Chain extension wallet address

Send in BEP2 — Paste your receiving address into the “To Address” in the Binance DEX balance screen and fill in the amount you would like to send/swap to BSC.

You can also optionally put in a memo message! Confirm the details and send the transaction. Sign the transaction in your wallet to complete the send.

Make sure you also send in some BNB as it is required for gas/fees.

Send BEP2 to the browser extension wallet

Add Tokens to Favourites — Now open your Binance Chain extension again and press the plus icon to select your favourite coins to add to the home screen.

Add tokens to main screen

Part 3 — Swapping BEP-2 to BEP-20

Copy BSC Address — Swap the network to “Binance Smart Chain” near the top of the extension.

Click on “Receive” and copy your BSC address.

Copy your BSC address; note the network change circled up the top

Send in BEP2 — Swap the network back to “Binance Chain Network” and click on “Send”. Select the BEP2 asset you would like to send.

Paste the BSC address that you copied in the previous step into the “Address” field.

Enter the amount, confirm details and press “Send”

Send BEP2 BC asset to BEP20 BSC address

Confirm — Swap back to “Binance Smart Chain” network and confirm the funds have arrived.

Congratulations, you now hold a BEP20 asset!

Don’t Forget BNB — Feel free to now send the tokens to your preferred BSC wallet but don’t forget to first send some BNB across to the BEP20 world too! (for gas/fees)

More info on BSC


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Incentivized liquidity and synthetic asset generation for Binance Smart Chain. https://SpartanProtocol.org